
Hi, my name is Bella, and I am an eighth grader at LREI. I love to read, write, and play music. I am also very passionate about social justice, and making a change, and for our school social justice project, I have become very aware of issues surrounding women. My social justice project, women in the media, is important to me because of the countless girls and boys that are affected by how the media portrays girls and women.

Interview with Crystal Renn, 12/12/13

On December 12, my social justice group and I went to Jacks to talk with a model who is considered plus sized named Crystal Renn. Crystal was an amazing person to talk to, with a very interesting story and idea on modeling. Crystal was anorexic (she was starving herself to fit the modeling qualities) when…

Interview with Iman Abdulmajid, 11/25/13

On November 25, my social justice group and I met in a cafe near school with Iman Abdulmajid. Iman said in her early years she was a refugee from Somalia because her mother had feared for her fathers life. She was a major in political science and had never worn makeup, heels, fancy clothes, or…