Sending Letters to Imprisoned Journalists

Name: Tatsuya King

Social Justice Group: 2018-2019, Freedom of the Press

Date of Fieldwork: January 7, 2019

Name of Organization: Pen America

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: No one

Type of Fieldwork: Direct Action

What I did:

For this fieldwork, we sent messages to imprisoned journalists in other countries to comfort and support them. We also let them know that lots of people support them and care about the cause they are fighting for.

What I learned:

Through this fieldwork, I learned a lot more about the strict laws in other countries that prevent people from going against their own government as well as how harshly some countries respond to different ideas. I also learned how dangerous it is for some people to be journalists and how much they are sacrificing to share controversial news with the people.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

Through this fieldwork, I learned that I could make a bigger difference in important issues than I originally thought. The letters that I wrote will actually be delivered to the imprisoned journalists and may make a significant difference in their moral. It also showed me that these people’s actions aren’t ignored and that people all around the world support them. I am lucky enough to not have to be worried about my safety when I am fighting for social justice. If I was in a place where fighting for freedom was punished, I would take comfort in knowing that people still support my cause, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

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