Meeting at Columbia University

Name: Max S.

Social Justice Group: 2018-2019, Access to Sports for Kids

Date of Fieldwork: October 19, 2018

Name of Organization: Sports Management Meeting at Columbia

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: William Rhoden, Dr Glenn Bracey,

Type of Fieldwork: sat in on a meeting

What I did:

We went to Columbia University and listened to a meeting about social justice and sports. We learned a lot. At the end, we talked to all of them but the most informational one was Dr. Glenn Bracey. We got his email and phone number and are trying to follow up with him.

What I learned:

That it is a responsibility of an athlete to be an activist, what it means to be an activist, and the difference between tweeting about something having to do with activism and actually going out and doing it. They called this ” Slactivism”.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

Max S

I am an eighth grader at lrei. I play soccer and I feel like all kids should be able to play not just in soccer, but also other sports. I live with my family and a dog 


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