Billion Oyster Project Work

We visited the billion oyster project as a fieldwork to help them in the process of cleaning the oyster shells that will be used in the future. The shells that we cleaned were from various restaurants and oyster related places around the city that need to get rid of oyster shells. The shells are brought back to the harbor school campus on governors island so that they can be prepared for the next oysters to grow inside of them. The shells that are collected are left out to dry in piles for a year or so to get rid of any of the original organic material from the first oyster that lived inside of it. We started by going to the piles of shells and filling four buckets with water. Each person had a task.  One person would fill a crate with shells from the pile. The next would dip the crate in each of the four buckets of water to clean the shells off. Then, the clean shells are taken to the next person who fills sacks with the clean oysters and stacks them on a forklift crate to be taken to the campus to be used soon after in the growing process.


 Billion Oyster ProjectBillion Oyster Project


I am an eighth grader at Lrei and I am currently working with two wonderful classmates of mine on a project surrounding the environment and the pollution of waterways. The reason why I chose to work with environment and specifically the waterways because from earlier times I have been really interested in marine biololoy and I wanted to see a different perspective on the way that people care about the environment and the organisms in it. 

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