Food Stamp Challenge

The Food Stamp Challenge is a challenge you give to yourself. If you don’t know what a food stamp is, a food stamp is a small amount of money given to you by the government so you can buy food. The challenge consists in giving yourself a small amount of money for food for about a month and experience how that feels. I did the challenge a little differently because I only did the challenge for a week, gave myself 2 dollars per meal but tried to eat unhealthy. I wanted to see how it would be eating unhealthy for a week to experiment on my health. I didn’t gain a lot of fat but that was because I only did the challenge for a week, although I did feel like I was getting unhealthy. I ate some cup n’ noodles for about 3 dinners in a row. I bought some cheap and cold pasta from the deli but what I did was that I divided the amount in 2 so that I would be able to eat some one night and then the next night as well. I ate some cheap porridge for breakfast in the morning, it was surprisingly very good! I managed to keep on going for a week but it was so hard. Lunch was the only meal we didn’t have to pay for because we ate at the school cafeteria and we couldn’t buy that kind of food. I can’t imagine how people survive with food stamps. They have to keep going for years and years, I could only do it for a week and that really saddens me. Feeling the hunger and actually experiencing it made me want to help people even more!

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