This changes everything: movie showing and press conference at Patagonia 11/11/15

On Wednesday November 11 we went to the movie showing of “This Changes Everything”. We met at the school at 5:45 and then walked to the Soho Patagonia store and arrived a little before 6:00. At the showing there were about four speakers and many different organizations and campaigns were recognized. Some of these groups were the sane energy project (senergy), ResistAIM, south Bronx unite, environmental club and the Sierra club. We learned about a rally in front of city hall against coal which we will now be attending. Additionally we met the leader of this rally, Daniel Sherrell and set up a meeting with him. The host of the whole event was Anthony Rogers-Wright and we are planning to do a video call with him. This event was not only a great chance for us to come into contact with more people and organizations but the movie was also a very interesting and educational film. “This changes everything” is a film that focuses on different scenarios and stories that represent how much our society is affected by climate change. These stories were devastating but then towards the end there were stories of hope and rebellion against companies promoting bad things. People would stand in front of power plants that were being built to stop workers from coming to them. This movie showed us simple and crazy ways of standing up to c limate change. This movie gave us a bit of a deeper understanding on climate change. Additionally many of the points brought up by the group at the press conference helped us learn about local things that were happening related to climate change. For example there is a pipeline in our city that is very dangerous to us. Or that the beyond coal campaign has shut down 200 some power plants across the United States. Although the event ran a bit late and some of us had to leave early from the movie, overall this was a very good first fieldwork. We learned a lot about the problem in general and got into contact with many groups. We plan to contact Daniel Sherrell and Anthony Rogers-Wright.

This is a map of how the Algonquin Gas Pipeline will go. This pipeline will endanger many many people not only in New York but many other places surrounding. Many organizations are trying to prevent this from happening because this is very harmful.

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I am Jane, an Eighth grader at LREI. My group is climate change. I chose to focus on Climate Change because this is a topic that impacts everyone. 

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