Poverty Has No Face

Our social justice group took interest in poverty because of the sympathy we feel for the homeless men and women we see every day on the streets. We want to make a visible difference and broadcast the message that there are many types of homeless people, and they are not to be generalized into the category of lazy, stupid and irresponsible people, who had sealed their own fate. These misconceptions are harmful because it leads people living in our modern day to shun those who are homeless, when we should actually be compassionate and helpful towards the less fortunate. Everyone in our community had a place to sleep every night while in America there are over 46 million people below the poverty line. Our mission is to educate people who are more fortunate than those who live with very little, and make the end of poverty everyone’s mission. Our goal is also to promote the true concept of being homeless by letting the voices of those who are less fortunate be heard.

Click here to read all of our group’s posts.

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