Unthanked Heroes

Our justice group took interest in veterans affairs when it became clear to us that veterans come home completely alienated and conflicted by war, and aren’t then given adequate health care. This information came to us through news paper articles and close friends and family who have served in wars. Our group goal is to educate people and spread awareness about the topic of veteran appreciation and respect. Many negative generalizations and stereotypes surround veterans such as: veterans are grumpy, moody, aggressive and even uneducated. What many people do not know is some people to to college to serve in the army, and unfortunately some were drafted in the Vietnam war. Now days exactly 2,266,883  Americans serve in the army, plus all of the veterans that survived the Vietnam war. 20% of Iraq and Vietnam war veterans have PTSD and 50% do not seek treatment. PTSD is a mental health condition that is triggered by an terrifying event. PTSD tears families apart and destroys jobs of those many veterans who need help, and not just the one that have PTSD but the ones that have prosthetic limbs and homeless. This is why it is important to educate people that can make an ultimate difference. Our overall mission is to encourage people to help the veterans after they went to war so we didn’t have to live in it.

Click here to read all of the posts from our group.

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