Wadjda – the movie

When Daria, Eve, Bella and I saw the movie “Wadjda”. We were so moved by how motivated Wadja was to get a bike. Although in Saudi Arabia, where she lives, women or girls are not suppose to ride or buy bikes. Wadjda was so determined that she even asked her fiend if she could borrow his bike secretly to practice and I thought to myself how strongly girls fight for their rights. From watching this movie, I knew for sure it was possible to make a change in women in the media.
After the movie, I was wondering if Wadjda got any hate from people since she got her bike. Were people being mean to her or telling her off?
I definitely knew and understood the movie. I felt like the movie transported you into Saudi Arabia with Wadjda trying to fight for her rights, which made me more interested in the movie and my topic. Although I already knew that in some countries girls don’t have the same rights as boys, I was still emotional about the reality. I also felt lucky that I live in a country where males and females are treated somewhat equally. It is also hard to believe that even in this generation people think that women shouldn’t be treated as equal to men. Sometimes that are treated as an object or a thing rather than a person.
The thing that stung me the most when watching “Wadja” was when she won the contest and told everyone what she was going to use the money for – buying a bike – everyone just stared at her. They were all shocked because they knew there was no possible way that a girl would be able to ride a bike. So instead the teacher gave the money to charity Overall, this was a very moving experience.

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