Our Interview With Carrie Wofsy

Name: Ruby Belloff

Social Justice Group: 2023-2024, Beauty Standards and the Media

Date of Fieldwork: January 31, 2024

Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):Carrie Wofsy

Type of Fieldwork: [69]

What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork?:

On January 31, Amelia, Bee, and I had an interview with social worker Carrie Wofsy, who works with patients who deal with eating disorders. She answered all of our questions and talked about people’s impacts on posting on social media and how that leads children to develop and consume standards that they have to follow. Wofsy made it clear to us that when we post these photos and videos about how we look, act, and speak, they will mold into our brains and automatically grow to the next generation. She also said that people need to find a way to talk about media more positively and balance out the unhappy thoughts, and that can lead to a healthy mindset and life. Wofsy says that in her work, she sees patients between the ages of 10 to early 20’s. According to research, most of the insecurities and eating disorders usually spark from that age range. We learned a lot, thank you Carrie!

Ruby Belloff

Ruby Belloff (she/her) is an 8th grader at Little Red School in New York, NY. Her Social Justice project is Beauty Standards in the Media. This topic is important to her because she has her own troubles with being pressured by looking a certain way. She wants to dig deeper into researching why people feel obligated to look and act a certain way from the media and how that affects peoples' mental health. 

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