The Day we Went to The UN

Name: Harry Davenport

Social Justice Group: Athletes and the Mental Health Crisis

Date of Fieldwork: January 12, 2024

Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):The UN

Type of Fieldwork: [69]

What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork?:

Today we went to the UN, and we went to the majority of the meeting rooms and saw how they organize them, sometimes based on the color of the chairs, and sometimes based on the rankings of the people. We saw some artifacts from the Nagasaki bombing. We also saw some artifacts that had been salvaged from the bombing, including a statue of a woman. it was face down, so if you looked at the back it was completely melted. One of my favorite things that we saw was a brick that had been made out of compacted plastic. it was really cool to see on the screen that they had managed to make a building for the children to learn in and be safe. for some reason, it kinda reminded me of the hunger games or the perge.

Harry Davenport

Harry is an 8th grade student at LREI in NYC. his topic for is social justice project is, Men's/Athlete's mental health. this topic is important to him because it impacts a large percentage of the world. this has to become a more prominent issue in the world. people need to recognize it and realize that it is a bigger issue that they think. 

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