Interview with Razeen Zaman

On February 16th 2022, we interviewed Razeen Zaman, the head of the NYU Immigrant Defense Initiative. Razeen was named in Fordham’s 20 in their 20’s and is an immigration law attorney. Razeen spoke about the NYU Immigrant Defense Initiative, speaking about it’s founding in 2017, after former president Donald J. Trump took office. Razeen saw students at NYU, especially undocumented ones, needing help with their immigration cases and legal advice to fight ICE. The NYU Immigrant Defense Initiative helps undocumented students at NYU, and educated them about ICE’s tactics, ruses, and what ICE can and cannot do.

Razeen also referred us to several other organizations, and told us what we can do to help, and go farther than just doing a project. Razeen’s interview was a nice follow up to the interview with David G. Gutierrez, which we had conducted only hours before, as Mr. Gutierrez gave us the historical perspective, while Razeen spoke to us about current issues, and problems that face the immigrant community today, not only at NYU, but in America as a whole. Finally, Razeen spoke to us about how she thinks immigration will look in terms of legislature in the future. Razeen said that based on what she has seen in the past and present, it is unlikely that this country will be less hostile toward immigrants, and while we can hope for the best, the best is unlikely.

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