Being Homeless isn’t a Crime

Name: Carmen Yager

Social Justice Group: 2021-2022, Homelessness—Communities of Color and Children

Date of Fieldwork: February 10, 2022

Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):Judith Mack

Type of Fieldwork: Interview

What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork?[:: :

On Thursday, the 10th of February my group and I got the chance to meet with Judith Mack. She works at LREI, through the pandemic Judith helped out at the Open Hearts Foundation. She is passionate about helping in anyway possible even if its just something small like giving people food or water.

We learned that when the pandemic started many homeless shelters closed and a lot of homeless people were moved into vacant hotel rooms. A lot of people in the neighborhood were angry about the homeless people moving in. Some of them even tried to file a law suit for it. Judith soon found out that they might move the homeless people into hear area. That ended up falling through but during the time that they were preparing for the homeless people to come she helped out by making food bags and more.

I am so grateful that we got to have this interview. I am exited for what is to come in the future. This interview also helped me get a better perspective from someone who isn’t homeless but has helped out a lot.

Carmen Yager

Carmen is an Eighth grader at LREI, Her pronouns are She/Her/Hers. She was born In NY, In her free time she enjoys Singing and doing Aerial Silks. She is very interested and exited to dig deeper and learn more about Homelessness in communities of color and among children. 


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