Brittany Lynch Skype Conference

Name: Ana Vieira-Gerbracht

Social Justice Group: 2018-2019, Education: Dropping Out

Date of Fieldwork: November 1, 2018

Name of Organization: Lift Organization

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Brittany Lynch

Type of Fieldwork: Interview

What I did:

we were on a Skype conference with Brittany Lynch about the organization that she works for. Lift helps inspire families with young children to get out of poverty in an effort to end generational poverty.

What I learned:

I learned about how the public school system is made t not fit as many kids than there are. I also learned about Lift and their mission to end generational poverty with young kids because once that kid grows up or is high-school age, they will not be in poverty anymore. then, their kid is way more likely to not be in poverty. and lust by one parent going to Lyft, their future generations of family won’t be in poverty.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

I leaned that one person or act can change the future, no matter how small. people under estimate themselves, and are un-empowred because nobody around them is doing anything to stop generational poverty. but when one person does something to change that more and more people will start.

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