Packing Toiletries Bags for People in Need

Name: Ruby

Social Justice Group: Refugees

Date of Fieldwork: January 29, 2018

Name of Organization: Catholic Charities

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Ziddika Degia

Type of Fieldwork: Direct Action

What I did:

We visited Catholic Charities, this is an organization that works in many fields, though the section we visited was working with refugees and asylies. We met with Ziddika Degia who is the volunteer coordinator at Catholic Charities. She gave us a presentation on refugees and what they do at the organization. This includes legal advice and help, education and therapy. Then we packaged toiletry bags that the organization provided for new refugees that come with nothing. It was a really informing fieldwork and was good because it was hands-on.

What I learned:

On this fieldwork we learned about the difference between refugees and asylum seekers (asylies). A refugee is someone who applies for refugee status, receive it then get resettled in that country. And asylum seeker is someone who arrives at a country then, when they are they they ask for asylum. Both refugees and asylum seekers have been forced to leave their country because of war or prosecution.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

I learned that there are many different ways to be an activist, Lawyers, teachers, artist, and so many more people can help, just by using their talents. Or just by packaging bags for people who don’t have anything.


Hi! My name is Ruby W. And I care about refugees because it is important that we help people even if they don't directly effect us. This subject is often overlooked. This is important especially now because of our current political climate. 


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