Meeting and Interviewing Candice Cho

Name: Henry Toll

Social Justice Group: DACA and Immigration

Date of Fieldwork: December 1, 2017

Name of Organization: New York Law department

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Candice Cho (deputy chief of staff)

Type of Fieldwork: Interview

What I did:

We met with Candice Cho who is the New York Law department’s deputy chief of staff. We talked about are personal ideas and facts about immigration in America.

What I learned:

We learned about how undocumented immigrants in America, are threatened by deportation. But this is only one of the main issues, undocumented immigrants also have many problems with basic human rights. Many of them cant get medical attention, or basic items humans need. She also worked on medical bills in the past, and she talked about how many documented immigrants and undocumented immigrants live in poverty. And how the government needs to do more for them.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

We learned about this difference in opinion between a Dreamer and a Government official. Even though they are fighting for the same ideals they have different ideas on how to get them. I think it would be very interesting to put them in the same room.

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