Interviewing Cindy From Restore

Name: Emma Hirsch

Social Justice Group: Human Trafficking

Date of Fieldwork: December 21, 2017

Name of Organization: Restore NYC

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Cindy Bombeeck

Type of Fieldwork: Interview

What I did:

We met with her at LPQ and interviewed her on herself, and the organization she works at (restore). We just talked about all the questions we had and she then asked us some questions.

What I learned:

I learned a lot about the difference in attention to white vs girls of color. This was a very intense questions and also a sad one. She talked a lot about how it is mostly common with girls coming in from many different parts of the country needing jobs and end up getting stuck into this job. I though that this was really depressing and sad because the women really just came to this country to find a good job and ended up in such a bad place.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

I learned a lot about how it all starts and how scary it is that it can really happen to anyone.

Hirsch Emma

My name is Emma Hirsch. I am in the Human Trafficking group. I am interested in this topic because it is frightening how real it is and how it could happen to anyone. I think this topic is important because of how real it is and how many people don't even know what is going on right by them 

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