Laramie Project done by the high school, 11/10/16.

My group went to the Laramie Project play in the high school. The Laramie project was about a kid who had been brutally murdered because he was gay. It had many monologues of the people who knew Matthew speaking about who he was and what happened. The play was very knowledgeable and the acting was very good. The play was very sad because it showed close friends of Matthew and their reaction but I enjoyed watching it. I liked how some of the actors started out not believing that being gay was right but they still fought for Matthew’s life because they knew that no one should be killed no matter who they are. One of my favorite scenes was where one person tried to say how it was not right to be gay and it was a good thing that he died but the people who were protesting for Matthew all started singing together and did not fight the person who was speaking rudely about Matthew.   

This is the LOGO for the Laramie Project

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