Canstructing a Solution to Hunger: DO

As part of the DO stage our group visited many different food pantries and soup kitchens. One of the most interesting things we did was volunteer with Food Bank for NYC. Food Bank is a New York City based anti hunger organizations that runs many different food banks and pantries. We got to work in one of their Food Pantries. At their pantry clients get to choose their own food as if they are in a grocery store. As there are certain restrains on what food they are allowed to choose our job was to help clients through the pantry and follow the point system that dictated the different food choices. This was a very meaningful experience because we got to engage with every person that visited the food pantry. Even though so of the clients didn’t even speak english we were able to use what we have been learning in World Language class to communicate with them. It was one of the few experiences we had where we got talk with not just people running anti hunger organizations but also those who face hunger in their day to day life. As part of the DO stage we also visited City Harvest’s food repack facility. While there we helped to repack fruit that farms and grocery stores otherwise would have thrown out but were actually perfectly good. We sorted the fruit from large crates into smaller bags that could then be delivered to food pantries and soup kitchens. These were two of many things were did as part of the DO stage which helped us to better understand our topic and to care even more about the work that we were doing.

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