
For out third and fourth field works, Stella’s uncle, Charles, picked us up from school and drove us to Newark. Before stopping at the farms and the food bank, we drove around Newark, and counted the amount of super markets in the area. There were two. One wasn’t even a super market, it was a convenience store. After driving around Newark for a little while, we visited a farm that was grown in the yard of a broken down building. At this farm, we learned why people grow these foods and what it’s like to live in a food desert. And we learned why it’s so hard to get out.

Having little food and having no job often tie into one another. If you have no job, or one that doesn’t pay much money, it is hard to earn money. Because of your lack of income, you have to settle for less expensive foods at your meals, and one of the least expensive foods around is fast food, like McDonalds and other fast food restaurants. Because of the hormones and bad ingredients, eating fast food every meal of every day will cause you to become overweight, quickly. People who are overweight are less likely to get good jobs, and so the cycle continues. People grow these farms because fast food can give people sicknesses like diabetes, and can make it even harder to live in the conditions they’re in. These farms help them get better food.


I am an eighth grader at LREI, Little Red Elisabeth Irwin. I am working on a social justice project with my group members Alice and Stella. Our topic is food, and we are trying to get better food to people who have none. 

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