Climate change march (around city hall) 11/29/15

Our group attended a march on Sunday. We marched around city hall for about an hour yelling “what do we want? Climate justice! When do we want it? Now!” And many other chants. We made signs and Ming made flower crowns and we wore them and showed our passion for this topic. We met with Brian (working on the documentary El Nevada) and he filmed us for almost the whole time. This was very interesting and also kind of fun at the same time. Additionally a news reporter asked to interview us/me for her news company. I said yes. She asked me about my views on climate change, what school I was from and what I am doing to take action on this subject. She also asked me why I was here and I told her about our social justice project. There seemed to be someone speaking at the end but we couldn’t get close enough to him to be able to hear what he was saying. This would have been good to hear but I also don’t believe it was crucial for the march to hear this. There were many people handing out flyers and asking us questions. I took a couple of flyers and found some campaigns and organizations we can look into. Such as the citizens climate lobby. Overall this was a great place for us to physically take action and we really enjoyed being there to Chant and feel like we were actually engaged.

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I am Jane, an Eighth grader at LREI. My group is climate change. I chose to focus on Climate Change because this is a topic that impacts everyone. 

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