Feildwork #1 Beauty Culture Film

So far our social justice group has gotten off to a great start. I am really enjoying the project and feel very passionate about it. We kicked off our first fieldwork by watching a documentary called Beauty Culture by Lauren Greenfield. It was super interesting and I think it was a really great way for us to all get a visual and better sense of the meaning behind our topic. The film included many different perspectives about beauty this day in age from designer to models opinions. It was really great to see all the different sides to how people perceive our culture of having to be “beautiful” and what the social standards are. One designer was talking about how over time, the meaning of beautiful has changed. From clothing to complexion, our society is a lot different then what it was like 100 years ago. The reason why I enjoyed the film not only showing people against the industry was because my group got to see different perspectives and what different people defined beauty as. Some designers were from different country’s and said that their surroundings and culture have a big impact on what the next makeup shade is going to be and whats in. One french designer by the name of Orlan, has a very unique sense of style and fashion. She explained how she is very into abstract are and the crazy things in life. She said that the things that the normal person would not find simple she would and that she has a very controversial mind. Other designer such as the runner of Christian Dior told us that he had a very standardized eye to beauty. He liked someone tall, with black hair and prominent eyebrows, and that being photogenic is key in the beauty world.

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