Paley Center For Media

On Monday, November16th, my group and I went to the Paley Center for Media. A women named Caroline took us in to a small auditorium room. First she told us a little about the history of the Paley Center and then what the Paley Center does. Then she started talking to us about our topics of women in the media and how they have  impacted our society. She showed us multiple clips from tv shows, movies, music videos, and advertisements and how they impacted women portrayals. We watched clips from all different time periods, like the 80s and after we watched them we discussed them. We talked about how society viewed women. Such as how teenage girls in TV shows are written to act dumb and look pretty. We talked about how people think women are weaker then men. We watched a clip of a young group of teenage girls and how one of them got plastic surgery on her nose so she could impress a guy. Worst of all, All of her other friends wanted to get it after they saw her her get it. This showed that all the other girls wanted to follow in her foot steps just because she got it and she got it for the wrong reason. We saw a lot of similar videos that showed society’s impact on what we think is pretty. At the end of the meeting we talked about what we learned and then we talked about how we can help change this problem. For example we shouldn’t be influenced by what happens in tv shows and we should educate people about this problem. We talked about our over all social justice project.


My name is Tallulah. I am an eight grader at LIttle red school house. This year we are focusing on civil rights issue. My group is focusing on women in the media. We picked topics that we felt was important. 


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