Waiting for Superman / The Myth of Charter Schools

download“Waiting for Superman” is a controversial movie about charter schools. The movie talks about how Charter schools work and how they began. They use many fancy statistics to make it seem like they are the answer to the failing public school system. Then we read an article called, “The Myth Of Charter Schools”. This article disproves many statistics that the movie used to make it seem like American students aren’t performing as well as students in other countries. It also disproves the argument that the only reason that students will do better or worse is the teachers. It explained that a child’s financial status, and family situation, play a larger part in a child’s learning ability. Overall I learned that a child’s financial and home status are the most impactful things in a child’s academic capability. I learned that in the schooling industry there is much controversy making it hard to see clearly what works the best. I also learned in theory and in practice charter schools.


Hi my name is Aditya and I am an 8th grader at LREI. My topic is education and I chose this because it is the pathway out of poverty. 

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