Interview With Vince Warren

On December 11th, my group mates and I went to the offices of CCR. CCR, or Center for Constitutional Rights, is an organization that is dedicated to protecting the rights guaranteed by law. Founded in 1966 by attorneys who represented civil rights movements in the South, CCR is a non-profit legal and educational organization committed to the creative use of law as a positive force for social change. We met a man named Vince Warren,who is the Executive director. Before beginning his work at CCR, he worked at the American Civil Liberties Union, where he litigated cases involving racial profiling, police brutality, and criminal justice. Vince gave us a tour of his office place, where we met different people who work with him, some who gave us stories on their experiences with National events like the riots in Ferguson. We talked to Mr. Warren about how it feels to be the head of an organization that deals with very prominent Social Justice issues. He brought funding as one the issues he normally has. This was very interesting to hear because I had never thought about how money is very important to organizations that do active things every day. I really appreciated the opportunity to step inside of a law office and meet people who have spent years accomplishing things greater than what my group could in this short time frame. It was very cool to see adults who had been on the ground in places like Ferguson, protecting protesters from being harassed by the law. This was a place that not only I will enjoy, but students in the future will as well,

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