Second Paley Center for Media Visit on 1/28/15

On Wednesday, January 28th, my group and I (Kellin, Nubia, Katie and Jane) brought our whole entire grade back to the Paley Center for Media because we loved the class that we took, Girl’s Body Image, very much. This time we were greeted by Rebekah Fisk, another specialist in this topic. We were led up into the same room with the huge television mounted up on the wall, and watched more or less the same clips that we saw a few weeks ago. Though we had almost the same variables here, the reactions that people had to the videos were wildly different than what we had experienced before. Some people brought up almost exactly what we had talked about, and some brought up other aspects of the films that we hadn’t even though about. Overall, it was incredibly interesting to see the difference in people’s minds and how that affected the topics that we talked about. For example, when it was just the five of us visiting the Paley Center, we completely brushed over the clip of Miley Cyrus’ ‘We Can’t Stop’ music video because there were more striking clips in the montage, such as an episode of ‘My Little Margie’ where Margie pretends to be bigger to turn off a guy. When we visited again and watched the same video, many people wanted to share their ideas of how Miley changed and if that was her idea or that she was in someone else’s control. This second experience reminded me of how important having other opinions is when discussing a topic so broad and important as the way that girls are portrayed in media.

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