Interview with Esme Edwards on 12/18/14

Our group met with Esme Edwards on Thursday, December Eighteenth 2014 because she
was very interested in the same topic that we were raising awareness
for. She shared her views on how girls are portrayed in the media and
what we can do to make sure that we love our bodies as much as
possible. She goes on to talk about the way that media starts to
direct itself at girls as they turn into teenagers, and how that can
affect your self esteem. “…magazines, movies, and all that, because
media is just becoming increasingly part of our lives, you know
Instagram and everything. It’s like it’s all about beauty and
representation and trying to show your best self. If you think of
Facebook–that’s nor really who you are, that’s just kind of a persona
that you create yourself. You would like all of the stuff that you
think people would want you to like. To me, as I went from fourteen to eighteen, I
saw how these messages were changing for me, and how here’s this weird
switch that happens when you’re about nine through fourteen,” Esme states. She
shows how girls start to become more and more of objects as they age,
and become less and less of an actual person who can’t be perfect. People need to understand that perfection isn’t achievable, especially those who want to achieve it.

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