Presentation at the PAC

Presentation at the PAC

imageThis is our second field work. Last Tuesday was spent in the LREI High School PAC, listening to a panel of incarceration experts discuss incarceration in america. This was our second field work and we learned a lot. The main speaker was Mr. Green burger, an LREI parent and a person who was touched by the effect incarceration has on a family firsthand. He also founded the Green burger Center. The Green burger center is a non-profit justice organization thats goal is to reduce incarceration in the US. I learned that even though the US is 5% of the worlds population and we have 25% of the worlds prisoner. I also learned that the re-incarceration rate is 66%. In the US prisoners leave prison with a record, which prevents them from holding a real job, and throws them back into the spiral that is a life of crime. 33% of  US citizens have a criminal record. I find it shocking how they expect convicts to not re-offend if they deny them basic rights? The presentation was very informative and we learned a lot. We plan on meeting with the Green burger center for a field work soon.

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