Meeting With Sister Mary Ellen O’Boyle

The meeting with Sister Mary O’Boyle was my group’s first social
justice fieldwork. My group didn’t have any experience on how to
interview someone so she helped us learn the ropes on how to be
respectful and attentive during an interview. Sister Mary was lovely
and made my group and I feel comfortable. Not only did she teach me
about my topic but she also taught me how to behave in an interview.
She was a great role model. Mary taught us many new things about
sexual trafficking. She helped us further understand our topic and her
mission. She told my group  facts, statistics, and other ways we could
get involved to end sexual trafficking. For example I learned that
sexual trafficking is extremely common. I also learned traffickers make roughly $21,800 per victim of commercial sexual exploitation. The industry generates $99 billion in illegal profit.  After we had finished the interview I was astounded. I didn’t realize how little I had actually
knew about my topic. The interview left me with so many questions and
interests that I knew I had to learn more. Overall this interview
impacted my urge to help others. I finally understood why I was doing
all of my work and research. It is because of the satisfaction one
gets by helping others and the happiness others get from your help.
This interview made me realize this. I am extremely grateful that
Sister Mary took the time to meet with us. I am even more excited to
get to work.


I am a fourteen year old student at Little Red School House. I am an activist currently working to stop sexual trafficking in the United States. I am working in a group of four including myself. My group and I are called, Not For Sale. We have worked with a few organizations and have met with various experts such as, Sanctuary For Familes, Peggy Kern, and Sister Mary Ellen O'Boyle. We are currently researching sexual trafficking and are helping to make a difference in the world. 

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