Trevor the movie

Today in class we decided to show a film called Trevor recommended to us by our schools director about a struggling teen named Trevor who is rejected by his school because he is gay. In the movie it fallows the life of a sweet hearted boy who starts to have feelings towards his best friend; the popular jock at the school. There is not anything wrong with the boy but the kids thought there must be since he showed more feminine characteristics and he was gay. All the kids including his best friend start to make fun of the boy and his parents are not willing to support him. Since so many of the people around him, the voices in his head and the priest say that he is wrong he decides he will take his own life to get out the hell he’s livening in. His attempt to suicide ultimately fails. The boy goes back to his “normal” life except this time his parents seem slightly more concerned.
I think all Trevor really needed was someone to stand up for him and say to the bullies that he’s pretty cool and there is nothing wrong with him. You easily fall in love with Trevor so its not that he is mean its just that the other kids are uncomfortable because he’s gay. The funny part is that before they knew he was gay, they liked him and thought he was cool. I think this movie not only teaches you not only is it okay to be gay but also how much your words can make an impact on someone. Not all of the words they were saying to him were harsh but since he was hearing them so much; he took it to heart and his feelings were hurt.
I think my group did a good job showing this movie. After the movie we had questions compared asking peoples opinions on the movie. We also shared a list of 10 reasons homophobia can impact a straight persons life.
One thing my group could maybe do better next time is have a small speech for before the movie to prepare the class on what its about.

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