Interviewing plus sized model – Crystal Renn

My group and I went across the street to a coffee shop to meat Crystal Renn a plus size model. When I first saw her, she looked regular-sized. Crystal was very friendly and accommodating and she told us that she used to be anorexic. Crystal wrote a book called Hungry about herself at age 14.  The book is about her experience getting told that she could be a model but had to loose some weight; after a while she thought “enough was enough”.  She gained back the weight and continued to be a model – a plus-size model. “Eating again was one of the best feelings in her life”, she told us that if all of our memory goes away and one day the “Vogue” editor wakes up and gets an idea for a new cover, for example if she says a bald fat lady would be a beautiful cover, then soon everyone would start to gain a lot of weight and shave their heads to look like the lady on the “Vogue” cover. I thought this was very interesting when Crystal said this because this is how women in the media are looked at today. Everyone thinks that the prettiest girls in the world are on the cover of magazines or on posters, but really it is just our imaginations being brainwashed by photoshop and photographers’ ideas.
I was very surprised to hear that size 6 is sometimes referred as a plus-size. This media is also causing anorexia and bulimia since so many women think plus-size models are fat; many women are a size 6 or above. Although, I am now realizing how confusing it is for most women to rely on magazines and underweight women as the “healthiest” or “most beautiful”.
I learned so much on plus sized models and how women look into the media on how they should look. I am hoping that our group can make a change.

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