Our Interview With Yang Jiang on 11/14/13

On the Fourteenth of November, my group and I held a interview with Yang Jiang over the phone. She works for the NCCP, which helps children of the next generation dealing with poverty. We asked her questions pertaining to how she got involved with poverty and this organization. She stated that she grew up in China so she saw the poverty in where she lived. When she came to the US she noticed that the perception of poverty in china compared to the US is very different. NCCP is a organization where they analyze data and informs people. The NCCP (which stands for National Center for Children in Poverty) is more of a statistic organization and less of a hands on one. They also show the government how much the food stamp program helps. Currently the poverty rate in NYC is 21% which increases every year. Mississippi has the highest poverty rate with 31%, and New Hampshire the lowest poverty rate of 15%. I learned a lot from this interview with Yang Jiang but what really stood out to me is that children are the ones who are affected most by poverty because they can’t provide for themselves or get a job at that young a age if they are under 18. I want to use all of these statistics that Yang told to us for the Teach In because, we need to teach people who come to our teach in how many children and adults are effected by poverty in the US, but mostly in NYC. When she told us these facts, it really shocked my group and I because hearing how many more people are being effected by poverty this makes us want to try to do as much as possible. If we do interview Yang Jiang again I might want to ask, How does she think that the company she works for has helped lower the statistics for poverty? I feel that the next steps my group should try to take is to interview people who are actually living in poverty to see their take on the problem and their struggles, hardships and solutions.

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