Gowanus canal conservancy

A couple weeks ago my Environment based social justice group and I were lucky enough to attend the Gowanus Canal Conservancy. Inside the base of the Conservancy we got to meet with multiple people such as Natasia. A activist who was affected by the multitude of was dumped into the Gowanus Canal every day. I was too affected by some of the stats that we received. Each year 400 million gallons of sewage is dumped into this small canal. The canal is so polluted that it has been deemed a superfund and the deepest waters are believed to be cancerous. The excess gas, coal and paint products are the primary sources that are being fed to the canal. I learned that the stench and air produced by the Gowanus is greatly effecting near by businesses. Each month many volunteers come to support there local conservancy and hopefully speed up the clean up process. It is believed that this process may take up to ten full years of hard labor. It outraged me that these corporate polluters could get away with such preposterous acts. A once beautiful and calm canal turned into a cancerous and vile sight. Out of this field work I learned that pollution doesn’t only come from vehicles. Also that it pollution is real and it is near, not in some far away land or even places as near as New Jersey. It is right hear in the heart of New York City. It is going to be a long and rigorous process and I await the day until the Gowanus Canal is a clean sight.


My name is Ethan Ehrenberg. I am an eight grader at LREI in Greenwich Village. My social justice group is focusing on Environment. Some of my hobbies are writing, sports and hanging out with friends. 

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