CR 6

Dominic DiGesu  5/22/20 Critical Reflection #6: Final Reflection  Over the last 6 weeks, I have been focused on making music. The goal was to tell a compelling narrative/story through music[…]

CR6 – Final Reflection

After reaching the end of my senior project experience six weeks after it began, things look different on the other side than I might have expected. For starters, I think[…]

Olivia CR #6

Since the Covid-19 epidemic and Stay at Home orders has affected your original plan for your Senior Project Experience, please reflect on your current essential question. Some general helpful prompts[…]

Nellie: CR6

Critical Reflection #6: Did you meet your goal(s) for Senior Project? Explain in detail. When I was in the planning phase for my senior project my goals were very different[…]

Last Blog Post

This is the second song I wrote and it’s supposed to be about going away to college and leaving friendships and high school behind without really saying goodbye. Leave Me[…]

French Song

I started out this project thinking I would write all my songs in english but having been quarantined in a house with only my french-speaking family, I wanted to include[…]

CR #6

What is the process of writing a song like for a beginner? My essential question has changed a lot throughout the 6 weeks because I’ve realized the process of writing[…]

CR #5

What is the process of writing a song like for a beginner? I have discovered that I start getting lazy and procrastinating as soon as I start to lose confidence[…]

CR #4

What is the process of writing a song like for a beginner? I’ve been reading my book and listening to a few podcast episodes from a series called Song Exploder.[…]

CR #3

What is the process of writing a song like for a beginner? I am 3 weeks into my senior project experience and feel like I’ve already learned so much more[…]

Deconstructing a song

One main exercise I did with my guitar and music teacher was to deconstruct a song I already liked and putting it together to Geta. better idea of the format.[…]


Recording is something that made me very nervous because it meant no more editing the song, no more fixing up the lyrics or adding minor changes and learning to be[…]

Blog Post 7

4/28 My visitors/“victims” are a group of college students, led by the impeccable Dani, whose family owns the house. I’m naming Dani after the main character in Ari Aster’s Midsommar,[…]

Blog Post 8

4/30 I’m newly interested in a gender aspect I haven’t considered: the dichotomy of the character’s quiet brutality with how she conducts herself. I wrote Dani to be near-perfect to[…]

Critical Reflection 3

–> Critical Reflection #3 Assignment: Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question? (CR3) — Writing on your essential question:[…]

Critical Reflection 4

–> Critical Reflection #4 Assignment: Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc) [CR4] This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of the 2 outside sources you[…]

Nellie: CR5

Critical Reflection #5: Metacognition Throughout this process I haven’t learned much about myself because I feel like everyone’s process is completely different right now due to the strange circumstances. I[…]

Nellie: CR4

Critical Reflection #4: Connect to Outside Sources I had spent a huge portion of my senior project reading plays, but I was still concerned about how the final product of[…]

CR 5

Dominic DiGesu  5/13/20 Critical Reflection #5: Metacognition    My senior project is about making music. Although I didn’t realize when I started, the process I followed is the cycle of[…]

CR 4

Dominic DiGesu  5/6/20 Critical Reflection #4:Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc)   My senior project is about making music. My essential question is how can I tell a compelling narrative/tell[…]

CR 3

Dominic DiGesu  4/29/20 Critical Reflection #3: Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question?    My senior project is about[…]

CR 2

Dominic DiGesu  4/22/20 Critical Reflection #2: Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?   My senior[…]

Nellie: CR3

Critical Reflection #3: Reflect on your Essential Question My question is “How can we engage in Theatre while social distancing”. Before we had to social distance my essential question was[…]

Nellie: CR2

Critical Reflection #3: Describe a moment and Analyze it When I started my project I was extremely nervous about working with Theatre over the computer and I am still nervous[…]

cr 6

My essential question was really just a starting point in the world of sustainable food and cooking. I think this was an important element of my senior project but the[…]

Week 6 post 1

I culminated my senior project experience with the creation of my mother’s birthday cake. The cake captured many different aspects of my project in one dish. I used foraged lemongrass[…]

CR 5

I have learned a lot about myself as a person and as a learner this week and in the last five weeks. The more time I spent working on my[…]

Week 5

At the beginning of this week, I made a major mistake, I needed to thin down the headstock enough so the tuners would fit all the way through. Instead of[…]

Olivia CR #5

EQ: What makes a successful advertisement?  SQ: What influence does advertising have on our culture? How does our culture influence advertising What have you discovered about your process, your habits?[…]

Alice’s Blog Post 2

After coming up with the chords I liked to go with the melody, I realized playing it all perfectly in one recording was a bit more challenging than I thought.[…]

CR #5 — Wriley Hodge

The combination of being quarantined and doing an in-depth painting project definitely illuminated a lot about my process. In the past few days, I have been thinking a lot about[…]

Poetry: May 17

May 17: It’s strange to reflect. I can’t remember April very well. When I was compiling all the poems I had written for this project, some of them seemed to[…]