Ruthie’s CR #6

My Essential Question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? I think that my Essential Question was changed to now focus more on how[…]

Anna Mueller – Final CR

How has your essential question changed throughout the 6 weeks?

What did you expect to learn and how does that compare to what you did learn?

How do you anticipate this experience[…]

Poetry: May 17

May 17: It’s strange to reflect. I can’t remember April very well. When I was compiling all the poems I had written for this project, some of them seemed to[…]

Hanna Provost– CR #5

 What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question.  Throughout the Senior Project process, I think[…]

Ruthie’s CR #5

My Essential Question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? One thing that I’ve started doing that really helped me in the beginning was[…]

Anna Mueller – CR #5

Prompt: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question.    Throughout my Senior Project Experience,[…]

Poetry- May 12

May 12: I never wrote short poems, generally. They always looked limp to me, like the poem ends out of my own laziness. Even in this project, most poems last[…]

Ruthie Week 5: Blog #8

As my Senior Project experience is winding down, I’m finding it harder and harder to write. The motivation has been ebbing away, and now there is virtually little to none[…]

Foster Hudson CR #4

Essential Question: How can I express the last four years of my life through poetry?   I’ve learned that it’s not a chronology. I think I went into this project[…]

Ruthie’s CR #4

My Essential Question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? I think that my essential question should change to something regarding how negative circumstances[…]

Anna Mueller – CR #4

*this CR is in response to the prompt about my essential question*   I’ve just started my fifth week of senior project work and I’m definitely making progress towards answering[…]

Hanna Provost– CR #3

What have you learned that begins to answer your essential question? Essential Question: How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told?  Throughout the course of[…]

Foster CR #3

Essential Question: How can I express the last four years of my life through poetry?   Every once in a while I will get a question about influence. It’s a[…]

Poetry: April 29

April 29: Over the past couple days I have written the same poem many times. Or more accurately, the same three verses many times. One or two images threatened to[…]

Ruthie’s CR #3

My essential question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? Before Senior Project I read a book that a librarian friend from outside of[…]

Hanna Provost– CR #2

Essential Question: How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told?    Something that I’ve found really hard to do while writing my journal entries is[…]

Anna Mueller – CR #3

*this CR is in response to the prompt about a reference text*   I’m currently reading a novel that features letters, so I think I’m starting to make some conclusions[…]

Poetry: April 25

April 25: Up until now–now being now, this very moment of now–I had heard many times, but never paid attention to, the saying that “writing is re-writing.” Sure my first[…]

Foster Hudson CR #2

Essential Question: How can I express the last four years of my life through poetry?   I have learned that to write is to practice empathy. In writing, you assume[…]

Poetry: April 22

  April 22: As of this moment, my typewriter has run out of ink. The superstitious part of me says that if I leave it be for a couple days, it[…]

Oscar Chun CR #2

A particular moment in my senior project experience is after I had finished chapter three in my novel The Bad Roll. A was very proud of my work and what[…]