Nellie: CR5

Critical Reflection #5: Metacognition

Throughout this process I haven’t learned much about myself because I feel like everyone’s process is completely different right now due to the strange circumstances. I feel as though I have very little motivation left during quarantine, and nothing seems like it will be fun or intriguing. I think during these times my process has become me forcing myself to work because I have to. A lot of my process throughout the senior project experience has been trying to change my attitude and become excited for my Theatre club meetings. 

Essentially, the way I learned to change my attitude was not to allow myself to be satisfied with my work. When a scene clearly didn’t have anything interesting about it what I used to do was accept it and move on. As the weeks have progressed I’ve tried to settle less, and strive for better quality in the scenes. I’ve tried to open my mind to different interpretations and styles of Theatre just to find ways to make everything work. There are so many issues that arise with zoom and I’ve trained myself to push through them until a scene is enjoyable rather than accept it and move on. It’s all part of making the work itself seem more appealing, which is going to make me work harder.

Another thing that I have learned is that if I try to sit down and brainstorm I will think of absolutely nothing. But if I’m actively working with other students then I am going to naturally start getting a lot of ideas. I think I always work better in a group or with others and it was unfortunate I had to do senior projects alone. I think in the future I might try and work in more partnerships and groups. So I think I’ve learned a lot about the ways I succeed and fail.

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