How has your essential question changed throughout the 6 weeks? What did you expect to learn and how does that compare to what you did learn? How do you anticipate[…]
Category: Peter
Critical Reflection #6 – Amouri Edwards
For my senior project I looked into the questions How does street art impact NYC, from its culture to its residents as well as How I can further my animation[…]
Cassia Soodak’s CR#6
Take a look back at your essential question. Did you answer it? Do you think that question was a good frame for your Senior Project? If not, how would you[…]
Street Sense, Entry 8 – Amouri Edwards
May 17, 2020 So this is officially the last entry to my project. We’ve hit highs, we’ve hit lows. In recap, the first three weeks ran smoothly, they flowed[…]
Street Sense, Entry 7 – Amouri Edwards
May 13, 2020 Today was cohort meeting so I was able to share some more of my work. My peers and cohort leaders seem to be impressed so that’s[…]
CR # 5 Cassia’s Metacognition
I have realized that I have used the same method to complete both my upcycled shirts and my article. At first, for sewing, I tried to jump into sewing without[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 6 Blog Post (#14)
Anna and I have decided to create a moment where deliveries across the US stop, so they have to stop sending each other letters. Because of this, they start emailing[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 5 Blog Post (#12)
This week in my journal, my character’s father catches the virus and is hospitalized. Astrid (my character) is unable to see him, not only because it would be dangerous to[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #5
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. Throughout the Senior Project process, I think[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #4
*in response to a text* I decided to take two different routes to answer my essential question. First I read a book called Go Ask Alice, which I wrote[…]
Street Sense, Entry 6 – Amouri Edwards
May 12, 2020 Though it’s barely begun I can tell this a slow-moving week this week. Cohort went well yesterday, it’s good to see everyone on track and making[…]
Critical Reflection #5 – Amouri Edwards
My essential questions were How does street art impact NYC, from its culture to its residents as well as How I can further my animation skills through this form of[…]
Senior Project – Friday, May 8th by Kamara
This is the last week of the sci-fi week for our podcast, and quite frankly, it has to be my favorite week so far. Sci-fi as a genre is so[…]
Street Sense, Entry 5 – Amouri Edwards
May 9, 2020 I had my conversation with Niceo earlier this week. While it was insightful, I feel I didn’t gather as much from it as I did the other[…]
May 7-8 – FINALLY posting a second song here
Hi all, attached is a mix of our second song. I might go back and redo the vocals later, as I don’t LOVE them but we’ll see what time and[…]
Apr 29th: More work on Song 2
So Dominic and I have been working on our second song for a bit now. I’ve been experimenting with sounds a lot, so that’s why it’s been taking longer to[…]
learning how to edit my photos
This week I learned how I am going to be editing the photos of my outfits. This is just one of the outfits that will be presented in my final.[…]
sewing CR # 4
This week I learned an important lesson: sewing is hard. While listening to music, I had sewed red shorts into a crop top. It has taken many hours and I[…]
Peter Mamaev senior project update 5/7
5/7/2020 I must say, after a somewhat hectic and discouraging week last week, I think I’m getting to a better place. I am almost done with the pen section of[…]
CR 4
This week I faced a major setback in my work that I felt imperative to reflect upon. It began with an attempt to make iced tea. I boiled water for[…]
Week 5, post 1
This week came to me along with a number of lifestyle changes. As I mentioned as an aspiration is my previous blog post, I took to making memorable dishes. I[…]
CR 3
As my project has progressed there have been a number of small changes that I’ve had to assimilate to. While my goal was to cook using all local ingredients, this[…]
Week 4, post 1
My daily routines have begun to feel rather monotonous. It has become increasingly harder to find new things to do and ways to make my project interesting for me. This[…]
Peter Mamaev senior project update 5/4
5/4/2020 It has been hell rewriting those pages. I have in fact ultimately redone them six times over, and now they are finally, miraculously, in a place where they hit[…]
Peter Mamaev critical reflection #4
One of my favorite things about this project is the opportunity it provides for growth in both artistic and writing directions. For writing, I have chosen Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, while[…]
Critical Reflection #4 – Kamara Duruaku
Because Nate and I are doing a podcast, we had a wide variety of sources, most of them being youtube channels and podcasts. My primary source was youtube. I watched[…]
Critical Reflection #4 – Amouri Edwards
My essential questions were How does street art impact NYC, from its culture to its residents as well as How I can further my animation skills through this form of[…]
Senior Project – Monday, May 4th by Kamara
This is the beginning of sci-fi week for the podcast, and honestly, this is the week I am most excited for. Something about science fiction is so gripping. Perhaps it’s[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 4 Blog Post (#10)
Earlier this week, Anna and I wrote another letter back and forth between our characters. I found writing the first letter easy, because my character started the conversation so I[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #3
What have you learned that begins to answer your essential question? Essential Question: How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told? Throughout the course of[…]
Blog Post #7: Cover of Book – Tibeau Ferguson
It took me such a long time to actually make a cover I enjoyed. I think this is because of the variety of fonts and pictures I can use. Overall[…]
Senior Project – Friday, May 1st by Kamara
Nate and I have just finished comedy week in our podcast, and for episode 12, we had another, guest: Nellie. In my opinion, these episodes are the most enjoyable to[…]
Street Sense, Entry 4 – Amouri Edwards
May 1, 2020 Long story short, made progress on the project, no luck getting in contact with SuckyBat, one of the graffiti artists, but I’ve planned to have a phone[…]
Peter Mamaev senior project update 4/30
4/30/2020 We are steadily approaching the endgame, and I just mass sent two final emails to my interviewees – artists Eric Gapstur and Emily Pearson. These two are actually interesting[…]
Critical Reflection #3 – Kamara Duruaku
I’m currently three weeks into my senior project, and at this point in time, I feel as though Nate and I have done nothing BUT answer our essential question. As[…]
Critical Reflection #3 – Amouri Edwards
With the essential question of How does street art impact NYC, from its culture to its residents as well as How I can further my animation skills through this form[…]
Nissim CR #3
My essential question explores the intersection between the music and business worlds. And as you might expect, the two worlds are extremely intertwined. At the label where I’m interning, 300[…]
Peter Mamaev senior project update 4/27
4/27/2020 Cry havoc, and let loose the mass emails of war. Well not really, I’m only interviewing like two more people. Regardless, while my first contact Jed McPherson was a[…]
Peter Mamaev Critical Reflection #3
With my interviews going reasonably well, and the art of my comic being reasonably satisfactory in its current form, the next problem to tackle was time. Time management is an[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 3 Blog Post (#8)
To get more information on how to write a realistic story through journal entries, I wanted to do more research on other books that do something similar to what I’m[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #2
Essential Question: How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told? Something that I’ve found really hard to do while writing my journal entries is[…]
CR2 – An Experience In Detail
The process of recording vocals for the track that I posted on the blog recently is something that I thought was CR-worthy, so here are my thoughts on that: […]
Senior Project – Monday, April 27th by Kamara
We just started comedy week on our podcast. For episode 10, we had a special guest. River joined us for the movie Chungking express. We had a lot of fun recording[…]
Critical Reflection 2
Garlic mustard plants grow in small patches. Where you find one, you find about twenty. I discovered this on my first day foraging and it has proved to be my[…]
Week 3 post 1
The weather has been making things very difficult for me this week. The constant rain has made my foraging difficult. I continued to go out and forage but the rain[…]
Senior Project – Friday, April 24th by Kamara
Nate and I finished recording the third week of our podcast. This week we watched crime movies from varying countries. Of all the genres that we explored, to be honest,[…]
April 24: 23rd continued
Above is a finished mix of a song (finally)! It’s most likely not the last mix we’ll do of it, but for now, it works and today we’re focusing on[…]
Peter Mamaev graphic novel update 4/24
4/24/2020 I got ink! Well, India ink to be exact, which I will use for backgrounds. While it is a material that I have experimented with in the past, it[…]
Street Sense, Entry 3 – Amouri Edwards
April 24, 2020 Today I got a burst of energy and creativity which was nice. It’s become a rarity to get such spurs of motivation but I’ll take them as[…]
April 22: Finishing a Song (finally)
So Dominic and I are finally finishing up a song for you all to hear. We built this song from a demo I had on my computer – When we[…]