Critical Reflection #3 – Amouri Edwards

With the essential question of How does street art impact NYC, from its culture to its residents as well as How I can further my animation skills through this form of storytelling, I’ve found both challenging and obvious to answer. On one hand, the answers are told from the stories I collect, the interviews I conduct, but on the other hand, I have to construct my own conclusions from research and other findings. 


In terms of answering how street art impacts this city, I’ve learned that street artists, we so often neglect as a community, are actually very impactful. As stated on somewhere previously, one of my interviewees informed me that because they were performing they saved someone’s life. If that doesn’t sum up how impactful street artists can be, I’m unsure what would. Hearing about experiences like that is what I’ve learned so far in relation to my question. I guess I’m wondering now the long-term impact on the city as a whole rather than the short-term impact it has on people. I’m mainly exploring the question through the questions I ask, and it’s so far working out well.


In terms of answering how I can further animation skills, I’ve learned animation is a very timely process (which I knew already but it’s more so prevalent now that my time is devoted to it) and that staying driven is a difficult task. I’ve been exploring this question through my courses of action. By spending significant amounts of time on animation I’m able to improve therefore answering my question. I think the process is different than expected only slightly, but I think it’s due mainly to the fact of being stuck inside: meaning the environmental changes are impacting my creativity. 


We’re halfway through the project. Am I lagging behind or do I not have enough to do? I definitely think it’s more on the lagging side. I’m in a comfortable place I just think there’s a lot to do to finish this project successfully. I think the main challenge I’ve faced is myself, but I’m continuing to combat any conflicts that come my way.


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