Critical Reflection #3 – Kamara Duruaku

I’m currently three weeks into my senior project, and at this point in time, I feel as though Nate and I have done nothing BUT answer our essential question. As I’ve stated in previous CR’s and blog posts, the ways in which we have looked at films and analyzed them has significantly shifted since before we started our projects. I’m surprised at how analytical we can be for films that upon first glance would have nothing to analyze. Additionally, I feel as though we haven’t faced any significant challenges so far. Now that Nate and I have a flow when it comes to churning out these podcasts, it’s really a matter of finishing the project, since we have no significant challenges at this point. One thing that we’d like to do is have more guests on the podcast. This week we had River on our podcast which turned out to be great, especially because that one got some of the most views compared to our other episodes. So far, our question has stayed the same. We’re still exploring what we can do to analyze these movies, but that really depends on the movie. I’m proud of what we’ve done so far, and I think by the end of this project, we’ll have a stronger understanding of movies and the thematic and directorial elements that go into them.    

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