CR #6

My senior project experience has come to end. Although, technically I am still working on my project. In my mind, senior project isn’t over until the night of the presentation. […]

Julia CR #6

My Essential Question was “What does the future of engineering look like as our environment changes?” with a sub question of “Can I get a better understanding of the design[…]

Cameron’s Final CR

Cameron Krakowiak Final CR 5/22/20   Some general helpful prompts to think about may be: — How has your essential question changed throughout the 6 weeks? My essential question has[…]

Final CR – Bay

My essential question departed significantly from the original project, where I knew I wanted to explore communities and the relationships between people and physical spaces, and courts and the written[…]

Mawena- CR 6

I’ve learned a lot over the course of my senior project. My essential was: how can I best learn Twi, and how are language and culture connected. My plan was[…]

Ruthie’s CR #6

My Essential Question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? I think that my Essential Question was changed to now focus more on how[…]

Anna Mueller – Final CR

How has your essential question changed throughout the 6 weeks?

What did you expect to learn and how does that compare to what you did learn?

How do you anticipate this experience[…]

Molly – CR #6

I began my senior project intending to answer the question, “How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic?” and thinking about how my own experiences will help me understand[…]

Layne – CR #6

How can theater be used to share the words and stories of real people? My project was really about the process for me. The overwhelming majority of my final piece[…]

CR 6

Emily Nally May 18th, 2020 CR 6 What is the process of making comic strips like?   Since the Covid-19 adjustment was made to all of our original Senior Project[…]

Critical Reflection #6

Why Excel?: During my senior fall, I was a part of the existentialism class where one of my main takeaways was that humans rarely get the opportunity to explore a[…]

Onaje CR #6

Coming into this Senior Project, I changed my essential question to “how can I respond to a global pandemic through art?”. Acknowledging there are histories of artists responding to the[…]

Jaquie’s CR 6

EQ: How are various healthcare facilities around the world dealing with COVID-19, and how can understanding this help make the healthcare system more fair and equitable for all? Throughout these[…]

Sophie SF’s CR #6

My essential question is, how does a non-profit organization develop and implement a sustainable solution to global hunger and poverty? Over the past 6 weeks, my experience interning at The[…]

Sophie Kielian CR #6

Essential Question: How are the limitations on exercise and physical activity during the coronavirus pandemic impacting mental health?   Throughout the six weeks of senior project, my essential question has[…]

Skyler: CR #6

Question: What did you expect to learn and how does that compare to what you did learn? I’ve been thinking a lot about the books I’ve been reading on how[…]

Olivia CR #5

EQ: What makes a successful advertisement?  SQ: What influence does advertising have on our culture? How does our culture influence advertising What have you discovered about your process, your habits?[…]

Sophie R – CR#6

My original plan for my senior project was to focus on learning the different methods used on sustainable urban farms versus sustainable rural farms. I was going to spend three[…]

Elisabeth CR 6

Elisabeth 5/18/20 Senior Project CR #6 EQ: What is the science of cooking? Throughout the six weeks of senior project I found that my essential question ended up not having[…]

5/17 – Bay

Towards the end of this week, I decided to watch a documentary called The Farm: Angola USA (1998). The documentary follows the lives of six inmates in Angola (the colloquial[…]

Alice’s Blog Post 2

After coming up with the chords I liked to go with the melody, I realized playing it all perfectly in one recording was a bit more challenging than I thought.[…]

CR #5 — Wriley Hodge

The combination of being quarantined and doing an in-depth painting project definitely illuminated a lot about my process. In the past few days, I have been thinking a lot about[…]

Critical Reflection #4

Critical Reflection #4: Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc)   Lucian Figliulo   What is the relationship between concept and execution in fashion?   My source that I connected to[…]

Critical Refelction 5

Critical Reflection #5: Metacognition What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. Lucian Figliulo What is[…]

Poetry: May 17

May 17: It’s strange to reflect. I can’t remember April very well. When I was compiling all the poems I had written for this project, some of them seemed to[…]