Blog Post 6

4/23 I’ve fleshed out the characters and plot a bit further. My setting is a mountain resort town, a kind I’m well acquainted with, both from visiting as a vacationer[…]

Critical Reflection 2

Describe a Moment and Analyze 4/22   Prompt: Critical Reflection #2 Assignment: Describe a moment and analyze (CR2) Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this[…]

Blog Post 5

4/21 Nate and Kamara, who are in my cohort, are making a podcast where they watch and discuss movies. I’ve been listening to it, and I’ve found it very helpful.[…]

Blog Post 4

4/16 I’ve spent time further developing my storyline. My plot, loosely, is amateur home invaders attempting to rob a vacation home that appears to be vacated. I’m writing multiple home[…]

Critical Reflection 1

What I Know vs. What I Don’t Know 4/15 Prompt: As Confucius (and Socrates) said “True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know”, this assignment is asking for the story[…]

Blog Post 3

4/14 This week I started watching movies related to my project. I developed a tactic before trying this, which is to take notes while watching the movie, scribbling down points[…]

Blog Post 2

4/9 In my last blog post I talked about engaging with movies in certain genres that interest me. I have specific genres in mind: dramas, psychological thrillers, and the like.[…]

Blog Post 1

4/7 My essential question is relation to real-world observation & exploration, and how I can use fiction to indirectly examine what happens around me. That in itself spawns more questions:[…]

Writing a Screenplay #1

This is definitely more challenging than I had originally expected. I have restarted so many times already and I am finding it hard to have the courage to push on.[…]

Arlo – Update 4

4/24 Today we finally finished the setup for the forge area. We have finished the bricks, the structure, the post for the leg vise, the forge, and the anvil stumps.[…]

Sofia’s CR #2

My idea for my second critical reflection came to me while I was in my photography cohort meeting. In this meeting it was the first time that I shared my[…]

CR #2 – Nate

April 21: One moment that I think strongly relates to my essential question (how can we understand films?) was when Kamara and I recorded our podcast episode about Martyrs and[…]

Critical Reflection #2

Critical Reflection #2 Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question? I have been having a much[…]

Ruthie’s CR #2

My essential question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? One thing that I’ve learned is that perseverance matters when it comes to writing.[…]

Blog post #3

Yesterday, I spent 3 hours working on the album cover for my song. I designed a sketch, took the pictures, and edited it all together. I spent so much time[…]

Ruthie Week 2: Blog #4

This week I started off strong and motivated. As the week progressed I found myself not making enough time for my Senior Project. Due to personal circumstances this week was[…]

Ruthie Week 2: Blog #3

This morning my first two short stories that I have written were workshopped in my cohort group. The feedback I received was incredibly helpful, especially because one of the short[…]

#3 – Nate (Apr. 15th)

4/15 It’s halfway through the second week of Senior Project, and Kamara and I will be recording and posting the fifth episode of our podcast in a few hours. We’re[…]

Update #3

We recently started making hammer handles for the hammer heads that we will create when the forge is totally built. We have been using pieces of hickory that arlos father[…]

Update #2

Recently, we have been working to modify and refurbish the old forge blower that was given to us. We have done this by scraping off all the thick sooty residue[…]

Arlo Update #3

4/15 We have now put up the skeleton of the outdoor structure. It is a 7’ x 10’ sideless, slanted roof structure that is 8’ tall on one side and[…]

Arlo Update #2

4/12 Since the last blog post, Ciro and I have gotten quite a bit done. At the end of the day on Friday, we cleaned the air blower we received[…]

Arlo Update #1

4/10 So far, this project has been going steadily but behind schedule due to poor weather conditions. On the first day, Ciro and I attempted to make our own lumber[…]

Ruthie’s CR #1

My essential question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? I know that writers need is free time which is something that I haven’t[…]

Sofia’s CR #1

My essential question: What is the connection between painting and photography? Initially I thought the only connection between a photo and a painting was how you can paint a photo.[…]

Katie’s 1st Post

Last week was the first week of working on our senior projects. It took me a long time but I finally figured out a piano base and vocal melody. I[…]

Update #1

As of now we are continuing work on the forge structure. Specifically, we have dug and poured the concrete anchors that will hold the posts for our roof. We have[…]

Ruthie Week 1: Blog #1

My project focuses on how out of practice writers become active and disciplined writers. I started off my project by looking for writing prompts. An author that I am a[…]

Critical Reflection #1

River Magee           4/13/20 Critical Reflection #1 We live in a world surrounded by entertainment and storytelling. I come from a family with large roots in[…]