Dakota Critical Reflection 2

Essential question: What impact does cooking Cantonese food have on me and my family?

Last week, I cooked dumplings and Chinese turnip cake on my own after watching and assisting my mom the week before. It was a really tedious task, as there was a lot of prep work before I could actually cook the food. However, this experience has brought me closer to my culture and my mom as a result.

I had to go food shopping with my mom so she could show me what to get and how to say it in Cantonese and that was an experience. I then made everything on my own, going off of memory for the recipe steps and eyeballing all of the amounts of salt and soy sauce and flour such that I used. Although I did this all on my own and not with anyone else, I felt more connected to my family’s heritage, as these recipes are ones my mom came up with by compiling other recipes from her parents and neighbors.

Cooking Cantonese food and just food in general is also kind of rewarding as other people are able to enjoy the food but also there’s a good-tasting result at the end. There is a tangible reward in the completion of making food.

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