My essential question is what practices are in places at a successful workplace? I wanted to work in a professional environment to see how a company functioned. I was also[…]
Category: Business
Last CR Jonathan Ziebarth
Jonathan M. Ziebarth Final Critical Reflection 5/19/20 So this is my final critical reflection, and in some ways I am very glad that it is, and in another way[…]
Critical Reflection #6
Why Excel?: During my senior fall, I was a part of the existentialism class where one of my main takeaways was that humans rarely get the opportunity to explore a[…]
I finished my project a week earlier then I intended, however this has allowed me to read, read, read, & read. Learning about and being able to finish my books[…]
Nika’s Blog #8
This is my final weekly assignment. It was about internal communication. Internal communications is all about promoting effective communications among people within an organization. It involves producing and delivering messages[…]
Nika’s Blog #7
This week I learned about benefits and the importance of having benefits and rewards in business. One of the things that I was given to think and read about was[…]
Nika’s Blog #6
This week I worked on setting goals. Some of the things that I learned are that goals trigger behavior. Having a clear, compelling goal mobilizes your focus toward actionable behavior.[…]
Nika’s CR #5
One of the things that I have learned through my senior project is the need for structure and outside motivation. At first I thought it would be great to have[…]
Nika’s CR #4
I watched a Ted Talk by Dan Airely about behavioral economics. He starts off by saying that in the US, we spend between seven and eight hundred million dollars a[…]
Pierre’s CR #5
Essential Question: To what extent does the role of Excell play in businesses and how much more efficient does it make work for people who use it? As one[…]
CR#5 Jonathan Z
Over the Course of Senior Project I’ve learned that for me as a student I need structure, and that I work really well with it. So much so that I’ve[…]
blog post 8
I am on the third book of the trilogy. The book is getting very weird and complicated. I don’t really want to explain the science the book is explaining so[…]
Jonathan Ziebarth Blog Post #11 – Think
So this will be brief. This week I finished my business plan, which combines the main business plan, the business model, some light financials and the competitor analysis. I’ve come[…]
Nissim’s Blog Post #5
4/22/20 – Today we had Class of 300 with Max who is the head of influencer marketing for 300. He actually began his career on Wall St. for 10 years[…]
CR #4 Jonathan Z
Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc) [CR4] The outside sources that I have been using have consisted of 3 books & several Master Classes taught by world renowned professionals from billionaire[…]
Senior Project Blog Post 4
For this blog post I just want to talk about what I have been doing for my internship. After my first assignment, which was to gather to 100 top trending[…]
Senior Project Blog Post Week 3
For my third week of senior project studies, I focused more on the making music aspect of my project because I had less work to do for my internship. After[…]
Senior Project Blog Post Week 2
My second week has also been a good, productive one. For my internship at Tempo, what I mostly did this week was join group zoom calls with the members of[…]
Senior Project Blog Post Week 1
Throughout my first week I have been starting to work with Tempo Music Investments while also making music independently. Right away for my internship, I was given the task of[…]
Olivia Week Four: Blog post #5
This week my project really started to come together. I organized my notes, mainly focusing on extracting the main ideas. Doing so helped me identify which parts of my notes[…]
Olivia CR#4: Creating Commercials During a Pandemic
As a whole, my project is centered around advertising. Specifically, my essential question aims to investigate what makes a successful advertisement, along with what constitutes that success. To me, this[…]
Critical Reflection #4
Pierre’s CR#4
blog post 7
I am almost done with the second book, The Dark Forest. About the last 5th of the book, around 150 pages takes place 2oo years in the future. And just everything about[…]
cr #4
A big part of my project has been engaging with outside sources. The most interesting thing I have been researching have been protons, what protons look like in other dimensions,[…]
Henry Pomerance Blog Post#7
Henry Pomerance 5/3/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Blog Post #7 Over the weekend I focused on research, and I started to finally organize it. From my readings of[…]
Henry Pomerance Blog Post#6
Henry Pomerance 4/30/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Blog Post #6 This week I have continued my microeconomics and environmental economics classes, which are both quite interesting and relate[…]
Post #7 Jonathan Ziebarth
This week I worked on my business plan, and it’s almost finished. The only thing I really need to figure out now is how I market my product. While I[…]
Olivia CR #3
EQ: What makes a successful advertisement? SQ: What influence does advertising have on our culture? How does our culture influence advertising? Writing on your essential question: What have you learned[…]
Nika’s CR #3
This week I talked to my mentor about my essential question during our half way feedback session. I came to the conclusion, with the help of Tom’s guidance and talking[…]
blog post 5
My books are going well, I am half way through the second book. It is getting very interesting. Lou Ji, a scientist, was made a Wallfacer and thinks the answer[…]
Cr #3
During my project my essential question is being answered but I’m also answering very different questions. However, through my books you can definitely see the affects communism and the cultural[…]
Blog Post #5
This week I worked on the importance of mentoring and trying to create a mentoring program. There are two options for a mentoring program. One way is to choose a[…]
Henry Pomerance Blog Post#5
Henry Pomerance 4/25/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Blog Post #5 I have started taking a microeconomics online class, and I wondered if and how microeconomics related to ESG.[…]
Henry Pomerance Blog Post#4
Henry Pomerance 4/21/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Blog Post #4 As I was reading my book on the history of risk, I came across a quote that, though[…]
Henry Pomerance Blog Post#3
Henry Pomerance 4/19/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Blog Post #3 This past week I have done some research on the environmental effects from the current financial downturn due[…]
Henry Pomerance Blog Post #2
Henry Pomerance 4/14/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Blog Post #2 This week I am continuing my research by taking a deeper look at annual reports, specifically those of[…]
Henry Pomerance Blog Post#1
Henry Pomerance 4/8/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Blog Post #1 My first couple of days have been mostly background research regarding corporate structure, finance, and economics as general[…]
Henry Pomerance CR#3
Henry Pomerance 4/28/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Critical Reflection #3: Essential Question Reflection What have you learned about your essential question so far? What further questions do you[…]
Henry Pomerance CR#2
Henry Pomerance 4/21/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Critical Reflection #2: Describe a Moment and Analyze For the past two weeks, I have researched how private sector businesses implement[…]
Nissim CR #3
My essential question explores the intersection between the music and business worlds. And as you might expect, the two worlds are extremely intertwined. At the label where I’m interning, 300[…]
Critical Reflection #3 Assignment: JONATHAN MICHEAL ZIEBARTH
Critical Reflection #3 Assignment: Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question? Yes! I am, however not in the way[…]
Critical Reflection Number 3
At the end of my third week, I took my final exam for the essential course on excel, in which I received a 97% on the final assessment. For the[…]
Olivia Week Three Blog post #4: A Look Into Carl’s Jr. Infamous Burger Commercials
A large part of answering my essential question: What makes a successful advertisement? has been looking at what actually doesn’t make an advertisement successful. This week I studied Carls Jr.[…]
Jonathan Post #6
For the ladder half of this week I spent my time watching & listening to a bunch of Master Classes. – The screen time is killing me. – Well, really[…]
Jonathan Post #5
Business Documents – For this week I mainly spent my time figuring out how I was going to piece together my final project. I originally planed to not only create[…]
Pierre’s Fifth Blog Post
For Wednesday and Thursday classes, I was given a practice challenge that would incorporate all of my prior learning. The prompt was this, “You work for an online bookstore that[…]
blog post 6
At the beginning of book two something very cool is revealed about Trisolorus, mainly a secret weapon humans have against Trisolrus in 400 years when they arrive to exterminate us[…]
blog post 5
My book has way to much physics and astronomy information to talk about in blog posts, so I will chose the most interesting element of the book so far to[…]
An experience that reflects my essential question, is when in the book Ye Wenjie seeks out the red guards that killed her father. This moment is very reflective on my[…]
Blog Post #4
4/17/20 – Today we had class of 300 with the PR department at 300. They spoke about media training, how the industry has changed recently with social media, and the[…]