Critical Reflection #3 Assignment: JONATHAN MICHEAL ZIEBARTH

Critical Reflection #3 Assignment:

Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question?

Yes! I am, however not in the way I originally imagined I would. Instead I’m answering my question by reading a lot, and I mean a lot. So far I’ve read 2 books and now I’m working on my third. However, that’s not all I’ve also been writing and doing research on my idea and my potential competition. Just wish we weren’t in the situation we are in now. I would to be able to do my original plan, but either way I’m doing what I can.

Writing on your essential question: What have you learned about your essential question so far? What further questions do you have? and/or Has your essential question changed?

Well, I’ve learned that starting a company takes grit, and a lot of it. It’s really interesting experience to not only, experience, but to read about, the people who decide one day that they want to start a business don’t do it because they think it will be easy, they do it out of passion. And If successful, they will do it again, not because they now have the skill do it, or because they think that this time it will be easier than before, they do it because it’s difficult, it causes them to think. From what I’ve read I could not think of anything that more embodies the ideas of progressive learning, entrepreneurship causes every individual who tries it to think out side the box, to challenge convention, and think differently.

What do you want to know more about?

I’m not sure there is much more that I can, unless I actually start a business and go through and personally experience everything I’ve read.

Are you surprised by any of the challenges that you’ve faced so far? How have you met those challenges and what can you do going forward to deal with them?

Other than the eye strain, no. Most of my challenges consist of me just being able to get out of bed at decent hour. I’m enjoying the project, however, I feel I would enjoy it more if it wasn’t a school project. I never thought I would say that.

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