blog post 5

My book has way to much physics and astronomy information to talk about in blog posts, so I will chose the most interesting element of the book so far to quickly talk about: “saphons”. One of the crux’s of this book is that at the beginning of the book  a bunch of physicists have killed themselves with notes saying physics doesn’t exist anymore. At the end of the book we finally learn why. The Trisolorians have successfully halted of earths meaningful scientific progress by shooting two protons at us, or two “saphons”. These saphons are basically intelligent AI protons. They were created by unfolding a proton into the second dimension. They do this by creating a proton collider the size of their planet. It fails a couple times wielding super cool results (to much to explain in a blog post), but when they successfully unfold the proton into second dimension it basically becomes a huge mirror in space, and using radiation beams they successfully spread it around their planet, plunging it into cold and darkness. Then they basically turn into a very advanced AI computer by carving intricate circuit boards into the unfolded proton. Then they fold it back into the size of a proton, so it is very advanced in the size and send them to earth. There they are able to spy on humans in realtime transmitting messages back to Trisolrus. Moreover, the saphons go into our proton colliders, take the place of the protons in them, and mess up all of our experiments, which is why the physicists killed themselves at the beginning of the book.

One thought on “blog post 5

  1. From what I can tell, your book sounds like a cool fictional story with a scientific side. Have you ever read any books like this before? Do you believe that learning about science in a storytelling way is benefitting you or providing you with new ways to think about science?

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