Coraline, by Neil Gaiman.

My book is called Coraline and the author is Neil Gaiman. The main character in my books name is Coraline, she likes to explore. Coraline has a great house it is so big and spacey, so her house is definitely the right place to explore. My book takes place in Littlemead, England in 1987. The house is very colorful, the colors of the house are are purple and white.

Coraline is an explorer she is determined and smart. She is an explorer because she likes to go looking around, some of her neighbors said not to go to the well but she still did. She is determined because she wants to get her parents back from her other mother. She is smart because she is careful and cares, she won’t let anyone touch her if there strangers.

Two parts of this story I enjoyed were when Coraline wrote a story it was about a girl named Apple she loved to dance and then her feet turned into sausages. The other part is when the other mother ate the black beetles out of a little bag.

I really enjoyed this book because I like books that are scary interesting and like when there is a lot of exploring. I definitely recommend this book it’s never boring so that is why. I think Harry Potter is kinda like this book, because they explore and they don’t get paid attention to that much. I would rate this book a five out of one to five stars!

Spy Ski School, by Stuart Gibbs

Benjamin Ripley attends to the CIA Academy of Espionage. Benjamin has been activated for a mission with Erica Hale. Alexander Hale, Cyrus Hale, Jawaharlal O’Shea, Chip Schacter, Zoe Zibbell and Warren Reeves. The mission is to get close to Leo Shang’s daughter (Jessica) to befriend her and to learn what Leo is planning. Benjamin and his friends are going to go skiing with her to be friends with her in Vail. Jessica and her dad is staying in a really fancy hotel while Ben, Chip, Jawa, and warren are staying in a motel, a really cheap and horrible motel.


Jawa, Chip, Warren, Erica Hale, and Zoe are going to act as random students so Jessica and Benjamin are going to be together to know each other and learn what Operation Golden Fist is, Unfortunately Mike Brzezinski, who is  Benjamin’s  best friend at his regular school the bad part is that Mike doesn’t know that Benjamin is a spy, and that Mike likes Jessica the target for the mission and Mike is very handsome so Mike might comprimise the whole mission. Luckily Mike is not in the same class as Jessica but he and Jessica are friends already.


Erica is the type of person that knows how to do everything, but skiing. The first time she skied she was really good but she didn’t know how to stop (you know where this is going). She went down the mountain, crashed into Warren, went through the forest, crashed into a lot of people, went into a ramp and crashed. When all the other students came Erica was really embarrassed, because everyone knows that Erica is an amazing person and knows how to do everything, so that was proving she is not a robot.  


Jessica is really adapting to them and liking them more. The next day after ski school Mike invited Jessica to go out but when Benjamin told this too Erica She needed to win over Mike because he was going to win over Jessica which will compromise the whole mission which is crucial. When Erica and Ben tagged along Jessica was very upset and then Mike totally fell for Erica which got Jessica very mad. After that Erica dumped Mike because it was only Part of the mission. The next day Ben had to get advice from Mike. The advice is how to get Jessica to like him more. He said, “You have to get Sasha (A.K.A Erica) to like you.” Ben told Erica that and it worked he and Erica got Jessica to talk to him. The next day Jessica invited him over to her Hotel. They rented the whole hotel! Not just a room. Erica gave him some nanobots to put around the suite to plan out what he’s doing. Read the book to find out more!


I loved the book because it was very descriptive. Also it was very exciting and action-packed which I loved. I wouldn’t recommend this book because I know mostly nobody liked the series in my class neither did my mom. I really don’t know any movies, TV shows or other books about spies. Only some people would like this book because it’s a genre most people don’t like. The book on a scale of five stars to 1 I would give it a 5.

The News Crew, By Walter Dean-Myers


  One book that I read this month and enjoyed was the News Crew. The News Crew is a series and the first book is called The News Crew. The book is written by Walter Dean Myers. The main character in the News Crew is Zander. Xander goes to school at DaVinci Academy in Harlem, New York. The issue that the main character goes through is that the assistant principal wants him expelled. The book takes place in modern day.

Zander is brave, smart and curious. He is brave because he stands up to Mr. Culpeper, the vice principal when he wants to throw Zander out of the school. The tension between the two of them started when he was misbehaving in the cafeteria. The vice principal wants to expel Zander because he is not gifted enough to go to a school for the gifted.  He is smart because he writes in his free time. He is curious because he always wants to know about a topic when he hears it. He writes about the topics that he is curious about for the Cruisers, the school newspaper.


One part of the book that I enjoyed was when the school newspaper kids met in the media room to talk about what they would write about. This was one of my favorite parts because it educated me on world history. It taught me that the civil rights movement is still a huge issue now. Another part I enjoyed was when Zander saw Mr. Culpeper in the hallway and ran away. It was one of my favorite parts because it was really funny in the illustration. It is also one of my favorite parts because the author used some interesting words like   to describe the moment. One big decision that my main character made was to stand mischievous. to Mr. Culpeper because that would have expelled him from the school. Don’t get me wrong Zander is smart but he makes some bad decisions. One time he went into the girls’ bathroom when he should have gone to the boys.
I enjoyed the book a lot because it fit my reading style, a fast moving pace. Another reason why I enjoyed the book was because I felt I could relate to the adjectives that I would describe him as, curious, smart and brave. I think many people can relate to the book and that is why I think other people would enjoy it. I would recommend this book because everyone can relate to the book in different ways, which will allow lots of people to enjoy the book. The News Crew can relate to any book that highlights a character who goes to school. Some examples of books are: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Year of the Griffin and Percy Jackson and the lightning thief. (The beginning of the book). The book can connect to everyone in our fourth grade because everyone is a news reporter and Zander, the main character is a News reporter. I would give the book five stars.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

imgresThe Harry Potter series is by J.K. Rowling is a really magical book series. The book takes place in Hogwarts, and the main characters are Harry, Hermione, and Ron. This book is different than the ones before, because there is a twist at the end and it will surprise you. You should still read the series in order, because, if you don’t, you’ll get confused by a lot of things in the books. On a scale of one to five, I’d give this book a four because the book is really magical, but I was a little disappointed: I wanted something to happen that didn’t happen. The book is magical because there are so many cool creatures, spells, wizards, witches, and mysteries. Enjoy the book review comic!



Are You There God Its Me Margaret by, Judy Blume

The book I read is are Are You There God Its Me Margaret by, Judy Blume. This book was about  a girl named Margaret who moved from New York City to the suburbs. And meets a girl named Nancy who is in the same class as her Mr. Benedict’s Sixth Grade. The end up being friends. Nancy also stared a club called the PTs’s which stands for Pre Teen Sensations. If I had to give the book a rating it would be five stars.

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Penny’s Book project from LREI on Vimeo.



518Ts+tXaLLI read the book Holes by Louis Sachar. The main character is: Stanley. The main problem is that Stanley got sent to Camp Green Lake for no reason. (Camp Green Lake is a camp for kids who do bad things. Or is i?…) All they do is dig holes that are five feet deep and wide. It’s not a good place to be. The setting of the book is Camp Green Lake because the nearest town would be five miles away by car.

One big event that happened is: Zero (a boy from Camp Green Lake that he’s friends with) runs away and Stanley runs after him, but when they find each other, they are already the middle of nowhere. This event is so important because when they can’t find the camp, they realize that they need food or water. And fast. Two parts of the book that were my favorite is: at the end of the book when Stanley goes home with Zero because Zero finally finds a home. Another example is when Stanley gets his nickname, Caveman, because you know it’s a start to a good book.

One adjective to describe Stanley’s personality is brave, because he realizes that Camp Green Lake is wanting something, but they have to dig it up. Another adjective that describes Stanley is kind, because he rescued Zero from the waste land. The last adjective is clumsy, because he is the slowest digger, and also because he falls a lot. One quote that helped me understand Stanley’s personality is: “I always seem to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time.” Why that made me understand him, is because that means he is brave, because he has to stand up to who ever is there, and figure things out.

I really enjoyed the book, because the author made you feel like you were there. Another reason is that it is a book that has a bunch of things whipped into it. Drama, humor, sadness, and adventure. I would recommend the book, because like I just said, it has whatever kind of book you’re into. It really has a story to tell. I would give this book four and a half stars.

The Last Kids On Earth by Max Brallier

51BtFHNN45L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The book that I chose to read is called The Last Kids on Earth by Max Brallier. The book is part of a series by the same author. The main characters are Jack, Quint, Dirk and June. The main problem is that the planet has been invaded by zombies and monsters and the main character Jack is trying to stop the zombie apocalypse. He is trying to turn the zombies into humans again. The setting of the book is at the school, the treehouse in Jack’s backyard and in the neighborhood where they all live.    

One big event that changed the story was when Jack met his friend because he was going to be all by himself and then he just found a partner. This event was important because, it was easier for him to fight because then he’d have another person and an extra person is really helpful. One thing that I found most interesting was when Jack first shows up at Quint’s house and Jack starts killing all of the zombies. I liked that part because it involves a back yard and a person silently killing a bunch of zombies. Another thing that I found interesting was when everyone at once attacked Blarg who is the big monster in the story. I liked that because I like big battles.

The first adjective I would use to describe Jack is brave. He was brave because he would attack all of the monsters. Another adjective to describe him is determined because everyone else wanted to give up at one point but he said “Now, if we just try a little harder, we can do it.” And he didn’t let them give up. He has a big heart so he is caring. All he wanted to do throughout the whole book was to save this girl named June from the zombies. One quote that Jack said was “I’m an orphan.” It is an important quote because it shows that he only needs to take care of himself since he doesn’t have a family.

I enjoyed this book because it involved a lot of war and it involved monsters and zombies. I like those things because they both involve weapons. I recommend this book because it has a great story, great author, and great illustrations. I think this book is related to the TV show called The Walking Dead because that’s like a town that gets invaded by zombies and the book is like a town that gets invaded too. I would rate this book 4 stars!!!!!!!!!!!

The Wig In The Window by Kristen Kittscher

          For our final book review, our teachers told us to be creative.  They gave us options about how to do the review. Some of the options were: a diorama, a movie, dear diary etc. This isn’t just an ordinary, boring review, it’s a dear diary review! The book that I wrote this about is called the Wig in the Window, by Kristen Kittscher. It’s about to girls who are troublemakers. They always need to know what’s going on around them, and sometimes that just gets them in trouble, but sometimes it doesn’t…  


                                          Oh Dear…Diary!

        Dear diary, as you already know, Grace is my best friend/spy partner. Now we’re in 7th grade, and Dr. Agford (aka Dr. Awkward) is one of the teachers. Agford is my neighbor. She has a group of kids under her “spell” and they’re in a little club of hers. Their group name is S.M.I.L.E. It stands for the Society for Making Improvements in Lives Everywhere. There was always something that seemed a little off about Agford but I could never really put it together or I thought it was just in my head… until our first late night spy mission to Dr. Awkward’s house, and everything fell into place.

         First there was blood and a knife (I saw it through the window.) Then the door opened. Then a phone call to some mysterious person, and finally threatening and screaming. It was all so unbelievable. Then I ran, but I tripped and fell in a small ditch. I think she saw me, but I’m not sure. It was dark outside and she might not have seen my face, but she definitely saw someone.

         The next day things got even worse, let me just say Agford definitely saw me last night. Then when I got to school the principal made me tell everyone what happened last night. Then Agford cleared EVERYTHING up. The blood was from beets. The knife was to cut the beets. And the phone call still remains a mystery. I still think Agford is very suspicious. I don’t trust her. And I don’t want to leave school because the principal is sending a note home to my parents, and I don’t want to find out what my punishment is going to be.

        When I got home my parents were so disappointed in me. They were also very mad, and they said my punishment would not be a good one. My punishment turned out to be even worse than I thought. I was grounded for months and even worse I had to do therapy with Agford every week! And the worse part of this whole thing is my parents think Agford is a nice innocent women. But at least no one suspects Grace was a part of it, and Grace is home schooled so I don’t think Agford even knows her. There’s no way I’m going to rat her out. She’s my best friend!

        Now weeks have gone by and Agford is at my house again! She’s not as bad anymore, but there are still some things that still seem a bit off about her. Now she is in my room! She is looking around and then she said something that I never thought about before. She said that I remind her of her when she was my age. When she left I couldn’t stop thinking about what she said. Am I going to grow up like her? Is she right? Agford seems kind of wise now. I wonder if she is that bad person we think she is? She has to be! But what if she’s not? Have we been wrong  all along?