My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish Live and Let Swim by Mo O’Hara

This book I read is called My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish Live and Let Swim by Mo O’Hara. This book has two parts to it. The first part takes place in Acuram. The first part is about the zombie goldfish Frankie who is being attacked by a psychic octopus named Antonio. Antonio can tell the future and Sanj and Mark kidnap Antonio and Frankie. The second part takes place in a TV show scene. The second scene is a crazy scene where Marks cat Fang turned into a zombie cat that hypnotizes people too. Mark was also trying out for the addition against Frankie,who is owned by Pradeep, Samy and Tom. Mark and Fang are cheating.

Tom, Pradeep and Samy are all smart because they always find a way to stop their older brothers from doing something evil. In the book they stopped them from stealing the octopus from the Acuram while hanging over a pit of hammerhead sharks. They are foolish because they let Frankie go into the tank where they needed were feeding the octopus and Frankie nearly died. They are not afraid because they go into spaces they’re not allowed to without really caring. In the book they went into the staff only place a couple times.

One of the most interesting parts is when Fang turned into a zombie cat. This is interesting because Fang was so cute the way they described. I would’ve never thought that Mark would turn Fang into a zombie goldfish because Fang is his pet. Just picturing Fang with zombie glowing eyes and hypnotizing powers looks wierd to me. I can’t really see Fang with glowing eyes and hypnotizing powers because he is so cute. There are even some pictures and I still can not imagine it because Fang was so cute then he turns into a zombie. A quote from the main that describes the book is “this octopus is a psychic octopus.” This is that describes the book because it helps me get an understanding that he is psychic. It also helps with later in the book.

I really enjoyed this book because there a lot of funny parts and there are a lot of turning points happening. It was so much fun reading this book for me. I would would recommend this book because there are a lot of events in this book, that’s what kept me on my toes while I was reading this book. I would also recomend this book because it is super funny. This book reminds me of a two parted episode of a show because this book has two parts that kind of relate to each other. I would rate this book five stars which means I loved it

A Wrinkle In Time

A Wrinkle To My Book Review:

A Wrinkle In Time By Madeleine L’Engle


By Avery Rosen


Will Meg, Calvin and Charles Wallace save save Meg and Charles’ father and live to tell the tale to the planet Earth? Find out by reading this book review about A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle. The book A Wrinkle In Time is part of a series, A Wind In The Door and A Swiftly Tilting Planet. All consist of amazing fast paced stories that are sure to make you stay on your toes. A Wrinkle In Time will take you around the world. . . No wait, around the Universe! The main characters in the book are Meg, Calvin and Charles Wallace, all of whom I will introduce more in the next paragraph.


Meg is a girl who doesn’t fit in at all and always feels like she looks atrocious and loathes some of the other kids who are normal. She has the impression that her little brother is being bullied by older kids. Even though they just hear rumors about Charles Wallace. She gets beat up a few times because of this reason. Meg will soon realize though, how special her little brother Charles Wallace really is. After their big adventure Meg is almost never oppressed by other kids. Three words that would describe Meg are, one, afraid. Afraid of her little brother being taken away, and that she will never see her father again. Two, she knows when to do the right things in certain breathtaking situations. She’s confident and insightful. Three, she is shy and doesn’t like to shine, even though she is a good student, and is very helpful.


Calvin, a big boy who is about three years older than Meg is strong, and I do not only mean his physical strength. Calvin is abused by his mother who will physically hurt her children. Calvin has saved many of his friends with his gift to persuade his friends and enemies, some may be both. Calvin in tall, strong, vigorous, caring and red-headed. Charles Wallace is a boy who is very, very smart. Unfortunately he hasn’t gone to school which makes him seem strange. His reputation is one that is very quiet. Many people bully Charles Wallace but he really doesn’t mind. He likes not being noticed and keeping his brilliance to himself and his family. It turns out, though, that Charles has many, many gifts and talents. I would describe Charles Wallace as intellectual, determined, and he is very brave. He is the kind of guy who would “Take one for the team.”(His vocabulary is also quite impressive.) Together they make a great team.


There are many plots in the book. One of the many is saving their father. At first they are living a normal life, until their father disappears for many years and Meg starts to get worried. Her father had vanished before Charles Wallace was born, so naturally Charles Wallace doesn’t know his father. One day though, in the very first few chapters of the book a woman named Mrs. Whatsit comes into their lives. She has a very bizarre, perplexing and demanding behavior. It turns out that Charles Wallace knows this Mrs. Whatsit and her very bizarre, perplexing and demanding friends. Mrs. Whatsit and her friends take Calvin, Meg and Charles to different universes to save their father and more. “I don’t want Charles Wallace to grow up to be dumb like me,” said Meg. “Oh my darling you’re not dumb,” her father answered. “How do you know I’m not dumb? Isn’t it just because you love me?” This is an example of how Meg is always too hard on herself, as I said before she is quite smart, but she doesn’t always get respect for it. This is on page 10 & 11.


I enjoyed this book a lot. The only thing was that there was a little too much fantasy. I loved it for all of the description during the suspense. Madeleine L’Engle slowed the big suspense down with description. Like it was at a part where Meg, father, Calvin and Charles Wallace were stuck on a mysterious island and to slow the pace, it explained the feelings of the characters. I would recommend this book if you are into fantasy worlds, and magical creatures that live on them. The creatures in this book remind me of greek mythology and Lord Of The Rings. I would rate this four stars.


The Mysterious Benedict Society By Trenton Lee Stewart

This book is the first in a series called The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. This book is about four really smart orphans named Sticky, Kate, Reynie and Constance who are gathered by Mr. Benedict, the founder of the society, to go on a secret mission. Of all the orphans who take tests to see who will be part of the society, these four are the only ones who pass. They must stop someone named Ledroptha Curtain from broadcasting brainwashing messages on TV. They must pretend to be students at his school, The Institute, and find out his secrets to stop him from boosting the messages to full power and brainwashing people to think Mr. Curtain is their ruler. They use morse code to send messages to Mr. Benedict. This book takes place in modern times but not with phones and iPads and things like that. The story mostly takes place in Mr. Benedict’s house and The Institute.

Reynie, the main character because the book follows him most is brave, smart, and sneaky. He is brave because he goes on the mission even though it is dangerous. He is smart because he passed all the hard tests. Also he comes up with a lot of good plans and ideas for the mission. He is sneaky because he keeps his mission a secret from Mr. Curtain.


WARNING- this paragraph has major spoilers do not read if you don’t want the book to be spoiled


Reynie and Sticky have to become messengers to find out Mr. Curtains secrets because messengers are the ones who broadcast the messages on TV. Once they are chosen to become messengers, they find out that he uses a machine called the whisperer to send the messages. The whisperer is a weird machine that manipulates your thoughts and makes whoever is sitting in it think the messages. The whisperer then sends that thought out to the world and makes everyone think it as well. Reynie and Sticky sit in the whisperer and it uses their thoughts for the messages. They also find out that Mr. Curtain used the whisperer to take away people’s memories and make them think they are his servants. I thought the part when they found out Mr. Curtain was taking away people’s memories was important because the kids were sad that Mr. Curtain was doing that to people and were more motivated to stop him and save the people. I also thought the part when Reynie and Sticky became messengers was important because that had been their goal and they finally completed it. Reynie said “I just can’t believe he did that to those innocent people.” It was important because  it made everyone try harder to stop Mr.Curtain. In the end Reynie and Sticky destroy the whisperer by teaching themselves to resist the thoughts so strongly that it no longer works. I think this teaches people that our minds are very strong. For example the orphans learned how much strength they had. Constance who seemed liked the weakest, in the end was the one who resisted longer than anyone and really broke the whisperer.
I enjoyed this book a lot because it was a mystery and it was suspenseful. Also it had a lot of action and taught me a lot because the kids are really smart and they said a lot of things they knew in the book. I would recommend this book because the reader always wants to find out what will happen next because it is so suspenseful. Also there are are a lot of cliffhangers and people will want to keep reading because of that. This book reminds me of Evil Spy School because in that book the main character has to sneak into a school and be a secret agent and find out information just like in the Mysterious Benedict Society. I would rate this book 5 stars.

Spaced Out by Stuart Gibbs

            After the incident of the book Space Case, Dashiell Gibson, has another case to crack. In the year 2041 (doesn’t say the day) Nina Rodriguez has gone missing. Dashiell Gibson has gotten in trouble for running away from a bully. He made the bully destroy the eggs which are very valuable because you don’t get fresh food everyday. Nina Rodriguez the base commander called Dashiell Gibson in her office. After their talk Dash walked away listening to her call an anonymous person.

              Dash is a very determined person because he first he found out who was the killer in the first book which is amazing by the way. He doesn’t lose hope because if he did they’ll be dead by now.

              Later that day they found out that Nina has gone missing, Chang, the 2nd in command, asked Dash some questions, “You were the last person seeing her did you see anything that will give us any info on where she went?” Chang said, “No she was calling this person who I did not know so I have no clue.” Dash said. Then they started searching the whole Moonbase Beta. It’s a fairly small place so they didn’t have to search that much.

They couldn’t find her at all, so the last place she would be was outside the base. But the thing is her suit wasn’t gone which was very suspicious. What they didn’t think of, but Dash did, is that she could have took another person’s suit is Lily. Some of the people of the moon base. Dash’s mom. Chang and some other people. But Dash was left behind with Kira. They talked to Lily and she said she cracked one of the space helmets while playing foot ball. He immediately contacted his mom and some other people that his mom’s helmet is cracked. So then they took a buggy and went there as fast as they could. But then a meteor shower came and giant balls of rock plummeted down from space. The buggy was destroyed so they had to walk there when they got there all the resources were destroyed. So they couldn’t patch them up so then all of them had to run back to the Moon-Base luckily they made it. Find out what happens next in the book spaced out!


I really like the book because it’s a murder mystery but it’s appropriate  

Ahsoka by E.K. Johnston

Ahsoka by E.K. Johnston is a Star Wars book that takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. This book takes place in space, but mainly on two planets. This book tells the story of Ahsoka after The Clone Wars, before Rebels (both television shows). Ahsoka goes all over the galaxy and saves many lives and kills many people (Stormtroopers). Kaden is Ahsoka’s only friend and Ahsoka rescues Kaden.


I would describe the main character, Ahsoka, as angry and conflicted. Ahsoka is angry because of Barriss Offee and the clones’ betrayal. When Ahsoka thinks back on Barriss’ betrayal she seems angry. You can tell she is conflicted because whenever anybody calls her a Jedi Ahsoka replies, “I am not a Jedi anymore.” There seems to be a struggle inside of her trying to decide if she is a Jedi or not. Kaden is lucky, stubborn and kind. Kaden was lucky because she was rescued after being captured THREE times! She was stubborn when she disobeyed. Kaden was kind when she tried to sacrifice herself to save her friends.


One of the most interesting and important parts of the book is when Ahsoka builds her famous white light sabers. This is interesting because the way she does it is very, very intriguing. She uses them as weapons of protection. They are important because she uses them to save her life and the lives of others.


This book was amazing! It was nice to know what happened between Star Wars Rebels and Clone Wars. Ahsoka is one of my favorite characters in the Clone Wars series and it was really interesting to get a book from her perspective. If you enjoy this book, you might also enjoy some other books I know that are about the Clone Wars but from her perspective. This book is not as good if you don’t know a lot about Star Wars, so I would recommend watching The Clone Wars first. On a 1-5 star rating five stars.


The Invisible Day, By Marthe Jocelyn

This book is called The Invisible Day by Marthe Jocelyn. It is about a girl named Billie who finds a makeup bag in Central Park. When she tries to put the makeup on, she realizes she becomes invisible. Billie and her best friend, Hubert make it their mission to make her reappear again through one big adventure in New York City.

Billie is curious, determined, and clever. She is curious because when she first sets eyes on the makeup bag, she can’t stop wondering about it until she finally opens it up and tries out the mysterious makeup. Bille is determined. She works hard to figure out how to become visible again. She is told that the juices from chewed up gum will help to make her reappear. Bille chews and chews and chews. Together with Hubert, the friends keep chewing until they have plenty of gum juice. Lastly, Billie is very clever. She is clever because when Billie reappears, she crafts a story so good that it convinces her family and the police that her backpack was taken by a thief and she was on a mission to get it.

One important and interesting part is when Billie has to step into a bath of crushed crackers and chewed gum juice in the dark. That was the only way that she could become visible again. This part was interesting because it made me think, “Wow! What if I tried to do that!? It might work!” Another interesting part is when Billie was walking by a kid and a grown-up. Billie threw out a banana peel, but she was invisible. The kid called, “Daddy daddy daddy! There is a banana peel floating around!” This was interesting because it made me think, “Does Billie know that there is a kid who might see her throwing this out?” Another funny and interesting part was when Billie was in the bathroom and she was invisible. Two girls came in and Billie heard them talking about her. They didn’t know she was there since she was invisible. This part was funny and interesting because Billie heard all of what they were talking about and she was just trying to get her backpack without them hearing her!

I enjoyed this book. The first reason I enjoyed it is because it was really awesome and every chapter ends with a cliffhanger. It is one of those books that makes you want to read more because you think, “I really want to know what happens next in the book!” Another reason I enjoyed it is because in the book, it is a combination of fantasy, adventure, and realistic fiction. It’s a really good kids book because it’s not too long and it is really interesting. I would recommend this book because if you like adventure and science, you will definitely like it. Also, in the book you meet a lot of different characters and they have different personalities. One character is really funny and you wouldn’t expect it. This book is so unique because it is really just an awesome book about being invisible. It really shows you that if you are determined to succeed at doing something, you can always do it with hard work. I would give this book a five star rating because I could just read it over and over again and still love it every single time.

Railhead by Phillip Reeve

My book is called Railhead. It is by Phillip Reeve. The main characters are Zen Starling, Nova, and Raven. The setting of the book is in space.

One event that was really important was when Zen stole the instructions to building the K-gates. The K-gates are the things that make trains go to different planets by giving them a speed boost.

I enjoyed this book a lot. It messes with your brain. It has so many interesting things in it like alien bugs and trains with personalities. I would recommend this book to any science fiction fan. This book is sort of similar to the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey except it’s less trippy. I rate this book 5 stars. It was really good. 

I drew the prologue to the book as a short comic.


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Lunar Strike by H.I. Larry

Once upon a time on a hot summer day, there was a boy named Zac Power. He was a part of the GIB, which stood for Government imgresInvestigation Bureau. He wasn’t the only one in his family that was in the GIB. His mom, dad and his older brother Leon were all in the GIB. Zac had to keep his identity to himself. He couldn’t even tell his closest friends.Then one day his brother Leon told him that he had to go on a space shuttle to stop one of his enemies from wiping out all the electronics In the world.

Zac started his training. He had to become an astronaut in 3 hours which was going to be really hard because real astronauts take 3 years to learn it.

Two and a half hours later –

After most of Zac’s training was finished he had to feel what anti-gravity felt like.While he was floating in the air, his brother Leon gave him a box of cereal in case he got hungry, but when Leon gave him the box of cereal, the little mouse in Leon’s pocket climbed out and went inside the cereal box without anybody noticing.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Blast off! The rocket took off, leaving a big pile of smoke that looked like a huge storm was coming. When the space shuttle was leaving Earth’s orbit, Zac was amazed at what he saw in space. He saw all kinds of things like different planets and a meteor shower coming towards him. “Wait, what?! A meteor shower? How am I supposed to get past that?” Zac exclaimed. At that moment, something caught the corner of his eye.

It was a space shuttle that he had to find to knock out the ray, so the electronics wouldn’t get fried. He came in slowly, so the guns would think that he was a space rock. When he got in the spacecraft, the computer that could stop the ray was right in front of him. He only had 10 minutes to stop it. When he was trying to hack the ray, a huge robot came out of nowhere and tried to stop Zac from hacking the ray. Then all of a sudden the robot let out a cry and Zac saw the mouse eating the robot’s wires. When the robot was dead, Zac finished the hack and the world was SAVED!!!   


The book I read was called Lunar Strike by H.I. Larry. I would definitely recommend this book to other people. There’s also a lot of other books in this series, so if you don’t want to read this one, you can read the other ones. I would give this book four out of five, because some of the scenes in the book had a lot of action. I would give it a four instead of a five because the ending could have been more exciting.

The House of Stairs By William Sleator

imagesIn a house made entirely of stairs on one of the shiny pure white steps lay a book called:The House of Stairs by William Sleator. The house of stairs is about five 16 year old orphans named Oliver, Peter, Lola, Blossom, and Abigail that all get blindfolded and one by one get taken to a place that is not a prison and not a hospital. It’s just a maze of interlocking stairs.

My favorite character is Lola. I would describe her as brave, because she always stands up for herself and others, mischievous, because she would make lots of trouble at her old orphanage and tough because she would never let anything get to her. A part that I found interesting was when they first found the food machine and got it to work. How they got it to work was when Peter and Lola first met Blossom. Blossom leaned over a red screen with a hole in it. When she stuck out her tongue and a pellet would come out of the hole. An event that changed the direction of this book was when Lola and Peter decided not to eat or go along with the food machine. The food machine is significant because it keeps tricking them into being mean to each other.

I really loved this book because of the way it told the story and how different from other book it is. I would recommend this book to someone who likes science fiction because that’s what this book is. A connection to another book is that in the Isle of the Lost (not a series) all of the characters are 16. I would rate this book five stars.

Book Of Sith by Daniel Wallace

5899-Star-Wars-Book-of-Sith-1383093726        You may venture far into the public library, but beware the power of the Sith in the science fiction section! The book I read was called The Book Of Sith by Daniel Wallace. This book takes place a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away. The book explains all the untold stories of the Sith’s role in the Star Wars universe. The main characters are all Sith lords I feel like people of all age would like this book because it can make anyone say : “huh, I never knew that.” It contains many interesting stories and journal entries about the Sith that span the Star Wars saga . The Sith are an ancient force of darkness as old as time itself. The Sith are the sworn enemy of the Jedi and are controlled by no one.   All Sith seek to achieve power and domination, and would even kill each other to get it.  


      One event that changed everything was the end of the old republic wars. After that war many Sith lords died and the Sith order needed to regroup (and that took about 30 years). This event marked a turning point for the Sith order allowing them to create an army of robots called battle droids.  I found it interesting that Sith not only use the universal weapon of force wielders, the lightsaber  but they also use enchanted swords, razor bladed frisbees and metal boomerangs. The Sith also use fire, ice, and lightning to attack their enemies.


    Three words I can use to describe the main characters are powerful, stubborn and cruel. Five Jedi would still be out matched to one Sith lord. A Sith could not only move a mountain with their powers, but they could crush one as well. Once a Sith has decided on a plan, anyone who objects may need to run away at top speed if they would like to keep an arm. Sith do not only crush their enemies but they also torture them.
   I enjoyed this book because it explains all the ins and outs of the Sith order.  I am also a star wars aficionado and I  really like S W . I would recommend this book to anyone who has liked S W at one point or another.  Also any on who likes science fiction. This book definitely reminds me of S W the lost missions. (A cartoon network series.) From one to five stars I would give this book  five stars.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐