The Last Kids On Earth by Max Brallier

51BtFHNN45L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The book that I chose to read is called The Last Kids on Earth by Max Brallier. The book is part of a series by the same author. The main characters are Jack, Quint, Dirk and June. The main problem is that the planet has been invaded by zombies and monsters and the main character Jack is trying to stop the zombie apocalypse. He is trying to turn the zombies into humans again. The setting of the book is at the school, the treehouse in Jack’s backyard and in the neighborhood where they all live.    

One big event that changed the story was when Jack met his friend because he was going to be all by himself and then he just found a partner. This event was important because, it was easier for him to fight because then he’d have another person and an extra person is really helpful. One thing that I found most interesting was when Jack first shows up at Quint’s house and Jack starts killing all of the zombies. I liked that part because it involves a back yard and a person silently killing a bunch of zombies. Another thing that I found interesting was when everyone at once attacked Blarg who is the big monster in the story. I liked that because I like big battles.

The first adjective I would use to describe Jack is brave. He was brave because he would attack all of the monsters. Another adjective to describe him is determined because everyone else wanted to give up at one point but he said “Now, if we just try a little harder, we can do it.” And he didn’t let them give up. He has a big heart so he is caring. All he wanted to do throughout the whole book was to save this girl named June from the zombies. One quote that Jack said was “I’m an orphan.” It is an important quote because it shows that he only needs to take care of himself since he doesn’t have a family.

I enjoyed this book because it involved a lot of war and it involved monsters and zombies. I like those things because they both involve weapons. I recommend this book because it has a great story, great author, and great illustrations. I think this book is related to the TV show called The Walking Dead because that’s like a town that gets invaded by zombies and the book is like a town that gets invaded too. I would rate this book 4 stars!!!!!!!!!!!

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