EQ: How does the infant brain structure work? Looking back at my essential question, I think it’s safe to say that I have answered it to the best of my[…]
Category: Antonio
Layne – CR #6
How can theater be used to share the words and stories of real people? My project was really about the process for me. The overwhelming majority of my final piece[…]
CR 6
Emily Nally May 18th, 2020 CR 6 What is the process of making comic strips like? Since the Covid-19 adjustment was made to all of our original Senior Project[…]
Skyler: CR #6
Question: What did you expect to learn and how does that compare to what you did learn? I’ve been thinking a lot about the books I’ve been reading on how[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing CR #6
Throughout my 7 weeks, my essential question has been the same. However I never really thought about my essential question. It honestly wasn’t a big part of my project. Still,[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing Week 6 May.11- May. 17
I have gotten so much done with this senior project. I finished 5 chapters of a story which is something I had never been able to do. I learned so[…]
Michelle- Week Four Reflection
EQ: How does the infant brain structure work? In week four, I spent a lot of time watching “Babies” a Netflix docuseries explores the groundbreaking science that reveals how infants[…]
Michelle- Week 6 Reflection
5/16 EQ: How does the infant brain structure work? I am still finding it hard to believe how fast these past six weeks have been, and though I know we[…]
Layne – Week 6
Nick Monologue Above is the monologue that is currently the beginning of the play/collection of scenes I have written. I started this week by compelling all the work I had[…]
Skyler: Blog post #7
This week, since I’m not with my siblings, I’ve been taking the Intro to Psychology lectures (which I’ve been taking throughout the course of the project). I’m finding that the[…]
Documentation Post #3 (Week 2)
Alas, Carine!! Since the first day I came across her and her work, I was immediately drawn to her. There is something about her stance on womenhood, liberation, and expression,[…]
Documentation Post #1 (Week 1)
I’ve received my copy of Grace Coddington’s memoir! Frankly, I hadn’t thought it was going to be so lengthy – but I am so happy it is! I started reading[…]
Michelle- Critical Reflection #5
EQ: How does the infant brain structure work? During these six weeks, I have learned quite a bit about the brain and its complexities, but I think the most learning[…]
CR 5
Emily Nally May 12th, 2020 CR 5 What is the process of making comic strips like? One thing I know I don’t know yet is how to write a[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing CR#5
Within my process of thinking, I realized that writing is a large part of my self-doubt. Whenever I wrote a story or something, I would always look at how I[…]
CR #5 – Layne
How can theater be used to share the words and stories of real people? Compared to most of the work I have done this project has been focused on the[…]
CR 5
As this draws to an end, I find myself more interested in the management part of restaurants. Where is everything coming from? how is everyone getting hired and paid? How[…]
Week 5, Sunday
This week was very slow, not too much happened and it was hard to make my 20 hours. As the number of new cases drops, so does the number of[…]
CR 4
Today, I helped feed 450 healthcare workers. This is a good feeling. It makes me feel less stagnant and more useful. This is making me realize the importance of doing[…]
Week 4, Friday
Today, I helped feed 450 healthcare workers. This is a good feeling. It makes me feel less stagnant and more useful. This is making me realize the importance of doing[…]
CR 3
Going to different restaurant locations is a very interesting activity. Every location has a different manager and while they have the same menu, they do not operate in the same[…]
Week Three, Wednesday
Today, as I was working, a female manager got a phone call on the main phone for an order. What happened next is gross and should never have to happen[…]
Skyler: CR #5
Through my project I have discovered that my ideal form of learning is through experience. My project is very much based in experience. I find that when I read excerpts[…]
Layne – Week 5
I spent most of this week focused on my own project. At the end of week 4 I was feeling really stuck with my work so I went back to[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing Week #5 May 4- May 10
Chapter 5 is now complete and I am onto chapter 6. Taking a different point of view from the main characters was interesting since I was able to learn more[…]
Blog Post #5
In this post I am deciding to share another recipe. I found it interesting that my cousin chose Pad Thai as his favorite meal. Yet, I wanted to explore his[…]
Ariella CR 4
Throughout all of the research I have done on the connections between food and cultures I have learned just how interconnected they are. I’ve learned how different spices and flavors[…]
Michelle- Week Five Reflection
May 9th This week it feels like I have spent more time reading and watching videos than I have in the past few weeks. Though falling into an endless spiral[…]
Michelle Critical Reflection #4
May 6th EQ: How does the infant brain structure work? Throughout my research, I’ve encountered some texts and papers that have failed to answer my essential question, yet allowed me[…]
Comic Strip #6: “Koala Nap”
For this comic, I used the same techniques as my last one. I used layers on Photoshop to create the effect of absence or presence of light. I used[…]
may 7-8: song 2
Helloo, so Gus and I finally have a new song for you all. This one took us longer than the first song to finish since we were such perfectionists about[…]
Creating Light Effects
Today I worked on making light effects because it is something that comes up a lot in this comic strip I’m working on now. In my first drawing, there[…]
Staying Motivated: Breaking My Routine
The end of week 4 to 5 was when I was starting to feel really unmotivated. I’ve never consistently worked on art for this long, so the combination of working[…]
Layne – CR #4
Throughout this process a large portion of my project has been reading plays and journal articles. I believe the essay that I shared with Joan and Nellie on April 8th[…]
Skyler: Blog post #6
Since remote school started, Lazer has had multiple people readily available to help him with his work. I’ve noticed that he often uses this to his advantage. When he has[…]
Critical Reflection #3
Jonathan Hodge- Senior Project CR #3 “About Your Essential Question…” I don’t think there is a way for me to derail from my essential question at this point in time.[…]
Critical Reflection #2
Jonathan Hodge- Senior Project CR #2 “Describe a Moment and Analyze” As part of my documentation (and research guide), I thought it would be a good idea to jot anecdotes[…]
Critical Reflection #1
Jonathan Hodge- Senior Project CR #1 “What I Know versus What I Don’t Know” Thinking about what I already know, my topic/essential question has been one that I have explored[…]
CR 4
Emily Nally May 5th, 2020 CR 4 What is the process of making comic strips like? Earlier this week, James recommended Making Comics by Scott McCloud to me as[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing CR 4#
During my research in my essential question, I have been looking through many different resources to learn more about the process of writing. I have found that while online[…]
CR #4–Skyler
Essential Question: What are the most effective methods of conflict resolution for young kids? This week I read an article from Today called “How to Discipline Kids: New Research Shows What Works”.[…]
May 1: finishing song 2
Helloo, so Gus and I are still being very perfectionist about the song and really taking our time with this one. I wish we had another mix to show so[…]
Apr 29th: Song 2 coming together
Helloooo, so Gus and I have been working exclusively on this song for almost a week now. It’s coming together nicely but we’ve been very perfectionist about it so it’s[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing Week 4 Apr. 27- May. 3
I was able to finish chapter 4, and now I am onto chapter 5. For this chapter, I decided to take a different perspective. In chapter 5, the reader will[…]
Layne – CR #3
While my project is focused on documentary I am very glad that my question is not specific. I spent the first two weeks of my project reading documentary theater and[…]
Michelle- Critical Reflection #3
April 29th EQ: How does the infant brain structure work? As I’ve continued to conduct research these past couple weeks, it has become easier for me to answer my essential[…]
CR #3 – Skyler
Yesterday I took the 5th lecture in my online Intro to Psychology course. The lecture was titled “What it’s like to be a baby” and covered the basics of the[…]
CR 3
Emily Nally April 28th, 2020 CR 3 What is the process of making comic strips like? So far during Senior Project I feel like I am partially answering my[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing CR 3#
It is not exactly a piece of writing more of an interview I read about the process of writing. The person being interviewed was Alexander Chee and his process of[…]