Matilda By Roald Dahl

MatildaThe title of my book is called Matilda and it’s by Roald Dahl. The main character is Matilda. The main problem is that the Trunchbull, who is the headmistress in Matilda’s first grade class, is really mean and strict to everyone and she causes most of the problem. Her rules are Terrible.One of Trunchbulls rules is if she thinks a child did something wrong, she puts that child in a closet that has lots of nails sticking out of it. The story takes place in a couple of places which are in Matilda’s house, Ms. Honey’s (Matilda’s nice teacher’s) classroom, in the cafeteria, and Ms. Honey’s house.

About in the middle of the book Matilda finds out she has powers, and she can move thing with her mind. Now Matilda probably feels really amazing. She probably plays around with her powers when she’s alone. The only person she showed her powers to was Ms. Honey. I think this is important because if I had superpowers I could move thing with my mind like, move my jacket to the coset. I would use it all the time so I don’t have to do a lot of things like, move my jacket to the coset. My point is that being able to move things with her mind is awesome. Three really important parts of book are: Mrs. honey’s parents are dead. She’s not sure how her dad died. Matilda is so smart and she’s so small.

Matilda is smart because she knows all of the multiplication combinations, and because she knows how to talk to her parents without getting angry. She is calm because she never gets angry at her family. Matilda is very curious, because when she went to Ms. Honey’s house for the first time, she asked her a lot of questions. One of the best quotes Matilda said was, “Dad you made exactly four thousand three hundred and three pounds and fifty pence altogether,” because she’s making it seem like she’s smarter than her dad. Because her dad thought kids can’t be smart, so he thought that Matilda lied by looking at his sheet with the answers.

I like this book because it’s not scary. I also like this book because it’s about a really nice girl. I recommend this book because it’s not about a ordinary girl. I also recommend this book because it’s full of surprises. The movie Matilda is just like the book. The only difference is that in the book the mom is fat and the dad is skinny, but in the movie the dad is fat and the mom is skinny. I also think the book Matilda is similar to the movie Annie because because both of their care takers are mean. I’d give the book five stars.

George’s Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl

51ctcmuIfFL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_I am reading George’s Marvelous Medicine written by Roald Dahl. It is a story about an eight-year-old boy named George who is an only child who lives on a farm far far away from other kids. One afternoon after his mom and dad left, George and his Grandma were left alone. George has one major problem; his Grandma is evil (really really mean). She punishes George for growing so much he tries to shake her up a bit by making her a new medicine.

George dumps out Grandma’s medicine and makes her a new one out of all types of stuff.  He puts in shaving cream, soap, hair removal cream, nail polish, nail polish remover,  toothpaste  and deodorant from the bathroom. Next, he goes to the kitchen he puts in three bottles of gin (a type of alcohol which makes Grandma go crazy), chili peppers and a bottle of dish detergent. This is one of the funniest parts of the story because I can not imagine eating any of these things. The effect of this medicine is that it makes Grandma grow and grow and grow. This is very shocking to George and makes him have the idea to feed it to the animals.

Even though George was not too kind to his Grandma, he is really a kind person. He said  “I would not dare touch the medicine, mom said It could kill a man.” Even Though he wanted to shake Grandma up a bit, He did not want a dead body on my hands.” This is kind because he does want to kill Grandma. He is a bit of a scaredy cat for example he is scared of his own Grandma. George is creative. He is creative because he made his own medicine.

I really enjoyed this book. I would recommend this book. I enjoyed this book because it is really, really funny.  I would recommend this book as a book review book because it is the perfect length. This book is similar to most Roald Dahl books because it have a evil grandma. I would rate this book 4.9 stars.